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[TSL] regular lightsaber booty


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I'd like to request a mod that simply (if simply is the case) stashes say half a dozen ordinary full length single beam lightsabers somewhere at the start of the game


(perhaps corpse in morgue for example)


I'd like this in KotR I also but not so important...


Dont want any custom stuff or force crystals etc...


I've tried to track down two mods that would provide me with this ability but both seem to be lost in time and anything similair needs some sort of installer that I can not run under my OS...


any help appreciated :D

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ummm... thanks guys but unless these suggestions work on an actual XBox (from executing it from the actual modded Xbox) or you have an Amiga version I can not use it...


yip... my main CPU is one of my A4000s :D


no IBM MAC or similair in the house...


anyone? :D


>You can always just use the cheat console or hak_pad mod >to give yourself as many lightsabers as you want.


don't you need some sort of installer for this?


if I have an archive etc that I can just unzip and network it across etc... that would be fine :D

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Slayer93, I'm sorry but you failed to communicate properly in your first post (hence the answers you got).


From our posted rules for the Mod Requests forum;


3. When you make your request, use a descriptive thread title and explain clearly what you want to be done. Take the time to think about what you would like to see. You’re the one making the request, but if someone chooses to make it they will need as much information about it as possible. Also consider that it takes time and effort to make a mod, and your request should involve thought and effort on your part as well. Do not forget to state which game (KotOR or TSL) your request is for.

Sorry man, but a little time taken on your part initially would save you even more time in the long run.

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this is true... I should have stated xbox version and for unzipping into override directory without aid of executable installer




it's just not fair the two mods in existance that can actually do this for me are missing links... the earlier workbench upgrade mod for example... ah well :)




I ended up playing lord of the rings 3 and now starting a new game of Oblivion... lol


thanks for stating the basics :D

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