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* it's a what if Padme had lived fanfics, enjoy, even with my bad grammer :)







Padme had died Obi - Wan had seen it but her she was fighting her way


back. She coughed.Gasping for air. Her newborn twins crying in the





" It' s a miracle." Bail said.



" Force did not want her death, though she craved it.Second chance for


broken soul to heal, this is." Yoda observed.



Obi- Wan showed her her twins again and they both cried tears of joy and


pain.Slowly the fight to live was reawakening in her.



" Oh my darlings." she nuzzled them in her arms.



" Strong in the Force young Luke is." Obi-Wan noted.



" Strong with the grip Leia is." laughed Padme.She then looked at Obi - Wan


with sadness and worry." What is going to happen now? What happened to





" Anakin is no more. The battle at Mustafer , his anger literally consumed


him.I'm sorry. I'm sorry I failed him." Obi-Wan apologized.



" We all did. We all played a part in this tragedy. It's the killing of the


younglings I can't get out of my head.I still believe there is good in him but


so much damage has been done.Trust broken." Padme sighed.



" Anakin is dead ,Padme." Obi- Wan said.



"No he isn't, he's different but he still lives."





" Master, she believes he lives and I'm inclined to believe her. I feel him, yet


it's completely different. Pain, anger, fear, hate on an infinate scale. I left


him to die but I didn't actually see him die. Palpatine could have easily..."


Obi Wan Kenobi told Yoda.



" Yes , believe you I do. Danger in revealing the senator is alive. If Palpatine


finds out before young Skywalker and even if young Skywalker finds out


first , we know not how he would react. Corrupted by the darkside, the


chosen one is.Best to keep the young mother and twins safe and in hiding


until we know more. I was planning to send you for training on Tatooine. Now


you will not travel alone there, they will go with you." Yoda said.



" Tatooine? Is that wise considering Anakin's -"



" Too many scars there for young Skywalker. He would most likely avoid the


planet unless absolutely necessary. Palpatine would not risk sending him


there if only out of fear that it may reawaken the light in him."



" Padme may not want to go."



" Limited choices she has due to her actions. Remind her of that. Knew better


she did, but gave into passion she did. Now there is so much suffering."


" It's not her fault."



" It is everybody's fault and noone's fault. Now I shall see Bail Organa and


see if he can find out anything on young Skywalker. We will discuss more


before you leave, later."






" I'm being guilt tripped into going with you ." a furious Padme paced around


her quarters.



" We are not blaming you Padme, just pointing out that you were older than


Ani and you knew that Jedis marrying, let alone having children was against


the orders of the council." Obi Wan tried to explain.



"Have you ever been in love, Obi Wan?"



" Yes, but she became one with the Force sometime ago. I'm not saying Jedis


don't fall in love but it's how they handle it. Ani was too immature to possibly


handle an


adult relationship. Jedis feel love but are not supposed to act on it and if


they do they have to not let their emotions and passions get the best of


them. Which Ani did. I blame


myself for not speaking up and reporting his growing feelings towards you to


the council."



" If you had done that then Luke and Leia would have never been born. The


person to blame the most is Palpatine. Playing on Anakin's fears and





" True. Even if Anakin is no longer a threat to you ,Palpatine is."



" You won't have any arguements there. All this time he was playing both


sides. I never really liked Palpatine but I could never have imagined this."


" And just think if he finds out the one thing that might pull Ani from the


darkside is alive . I don't even want to think what he could do to the twins."


Padme shuddered. " Okay to protect my children we'll go with you...for now."

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Tatooine, months later....


Padme watched from inside her home as her friend, Master Kenobi, was babysitting her twins while she got some rest. Obi Wan was outside and watched as baby Luke tried to mimick his every move. Obi Wan was doing some stances and whatever hand movements he did, Luke would try with his little arms. Leia ,on the other hand just observed the world around her as if she was studying it.


" Thank you, Obi Wan. " Padme said as she walked out to them.


" No problem. Luke is always a good student."


" Leia doesn't seem to care though."


" Your right but she is very keen about her surroundings. She will use the Force in different ways, if at all. Luke ,on the other hand, is powerful in the Force ,even at this young age."


" Obi Wan, I have been meaning to talk about their future in the Force. While I understand they will need training, if only to survive Palpatine. I want more for them. I want them to enjoy life and choose their own destiny, even if it means not using the Force."


" I understand. If Leia doesn't want to be a Jedi Knight I won't push her into it. However Luke is another story. The burden of saving the galaxy and maybe Anakin lies with him. Some destinies can not be changed."


Padme sighed. " I guess for now that's all I can ask for. I'm thinking of teaching Leia about politics and diplomacy when she's older."


Kenobi grinned. " Basically Leia will take after you and Luke will take after Ani....with better results, I hope."


" I hope so too. I know he's Darth Vader. You have been trying to hide that fact but I know. I also know there is still good in him and when the time is right you will see it too."


" You still believe in him ,even after he tried to kill you."


" I still have hope. Besides the twins,it's all I have left."

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