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Offensive Force Power Script Help


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I've made a new force power for KOTOR1, and everything works, except the damage. It does no damage when I put in 20. Now, I'm a beginner at scripting, so I cannot see a flaw in my code.

#include "k_inc_force" 

void main() 

   object oSource = OBJECT_SELF; 
   object oTarget = GetSpellTargetObject(); 

   effect eVFX = EffectVisualEffect(3011);
   effect eDamage = EffectDamage(20);
   ApplyEffectToObject(1, eVFX, oTarget, 4.0f);



Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Well, you aren't applying the damage to your opponent. This should work:


#include "k_inc_force" 

void main() 

   object oSource = OBJECT_SELF; 
   object oTarget = GetSpellTargetObject(); 

   effect eVFX = EffectVisualEffect(3011);
   effect eDamage = EffectDamage(20);
   ApplyEffectToObject(1, eVFX, oTarget, 4.0f);
   ApplyEffectToObject(0, edamage, oTarget, 4.0f);



Hope that helps! :)

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Can I also get the script for a knockdown and stun effect like in force wave?


This variant should knock down and stun as well:


void main() { 
   object oTarget = GetSpellTargetObject(); 
   effect eVFX    = EffectVisualEffect(VFX_FNF_GRENADE_ION);
   effect eDamage = EffectDamage(20, DAMAGE_TYPE_ELECTRICAL);
   effect ePushy  = EffectForcePushTargeted( GetLocation(oTarget) );

   [color=PaleGreen]// ST: Trigger the SpellCastAt AI event on the victim as offensive power.[/color]
   SignalEvent(oTarget, EventSpellCastAt(OBJECT_SELF, GetSpellId(), TRUE));

   [color=PaleGreen]// ST: Check for Force immunity/resistance[/color]
   if(!ResistForce(OBJECT_SELF, oTarget)) {
       [color=PaleGreen]// ST: Show blast and apply the damage[/color]
       ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_TEMPORARY, eVFX, oTarget, 4.0f);
       ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, eDamage, oTarget);

       [color=PaleGreen]// ST: Knock down and stun victim if they fail a Reflex saving throw.[/color]
       if (!ReflexSave(oTarget, GetSpellSaveDC())) {
           ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_TEMPORARY, ePushy, oTarget, 0.1);
           DelayCommand(2.55, ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_TEMPORARY, EffectStunned(), oTarget, 6.0));
   else {
       ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, EffectForceFizzle(), OBJECT_SELF);

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The stun effect is fairly simple. If you want to put it into a script, the function and call should look something like this:

Object oObject = GetFirstPC();
Effect eStun = EffectStunned();

ApplyEffectToObject(1, eStun, oObject, 4.0f);

Please not that this is not a complete script as it is. I think there is an EffectKnockDown, although it may in fact be called EffectPushed. I would recommend searching through nwscript.nss to find the relevant script function, however. :)


EDIT: Beaten to it by stoffe!

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Thanks again, guys.

After a bit of trial and error, I managed to get force lightning to come out of both of the PC's hands, and I modified the damage level to be half of the PC's HP.

(Can barley see the lightning with the huge ion explosion.)

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