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Mission mod Suggestion/help

Darth Visillius

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I'm not really sure if there is a mod to do such, but I know that RedHawke made a MOD enabling the PC to enlist Mission as a Jedi. Mission is my favorite character and it somewhat annoys me that I'm forced to kill her (Or let her flee which I do in most cases) on the UNKNOWN World.


Is there a MOD that would allow me to turn Mission, and if so where could I find one?


Thanks for the help and the time.

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Hmmm, i seem to remember a mod by Orsan.


It was called The Darkside Forever, exactly what it does i can't say.


I did take a look at the tga files and the mission pic looked like she had fallen to the darkside. However, so it seems did everyone else as well.


Perhaps only using the mission part of it along with a mod like the on your thinking about would do it for you. Unfortunately i can't help withmore than advice myself, i've got no skills in modding myself.


If you PM me i can send you the mod, the readme seems to be in rusian.


PS: if you want the mod, include your email in the PM.

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Alrighty, here we go again with the whole help thing and what not.


Anyways, I installed the devastatingly cool looking Brotherhood of Shadow mod, and have done the prologue quest (Favour for a Rodian). I then waited for the Leviathan to do it's damage and kidnap me and what not, which it did.

However, after the cutscene, when I try and leave the Ebon Hawk it won't let me. When I hit the Map button it shows me the map layout for the Leviathan itself. Do I need to reinstall the Mod or what?


Also, I've tried many a times to figure out how to use the console. I went in and edited the .ini files, but for some reason I cannot bring it up.

Is this not accessible on Vista? (I know a couple other people with the same problem, but all on Vista.) Everyone I know useing the game on an older OS seems to be fine.


As always thanks for the time and help.

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