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[TSL] What happens after Trayus?

Jorrel Fraajic

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I know for a fact that I am not the only one to look at the end of TSL and am stuck saying "What just happened?" Well, once I viewed http://knightsoftheoldrepublic.filefront.com/file/Coruscant_Jedi_Temple;76316, I had an idea form in my mind about how the Exile (or, at least me, as the Exile), wouldn't immediately leave the known galaxy on a mad quest to find Revan. I mean, he/she just found out she really is one of the last Jedi, and a powerful one at that; why wouldn't he/she attempt to train some more Jedi before leaving? (I know, I know, not canonical, and I'm not even pushing towards it)


That idea process essentially made me continue thinking of different ways to execute such a plan, and decided that it'd be best for the entire ordeal to occur after the events of the Trayus Academy. This would also allow the player to find out what exactly happened to the Hawk and the rest of the party after the really confusing events surrounding the Hawk's demise.




The Exile's party, minus G0-T0, is on the Hawk, speeding away from Malachor, and in hyperspace, has a semi-lengthy conversation explaining, mostly for the player's benefit, what happened to the Hawk and the rest of the party. The Exile will, at some point, have the choice to divulge the prophecies handed out by Kreia, with interesting reactions.


The group speeds back to Telos, where they meet up with Carth and Bastila again. Bastila makes mention of gathering the Jedi to Coruscant, and implores the Exile to come with her and reestablish the order. On Coruscant, the Exile is joined by Jolee, some other Jedi that were in hiding, and a whole bunch of new Jedi prospects. Think the beginning of JK:JA, only KOTOR-ized. I'm also thinking of having Bastila join your party as well, though that too may run into some complications (mainly, the armor/robe switchout option thingy, along with the lack of animations - though, since I've seen mods with Bastila's head detached and available for a PC head, that may be fixable). I'd also, if it's possible, make it so that the Exile can travel to the worlds she's been to, including the Telos Ice Cap Academy, and recruit As the Exile, you address the new students, and then have to discover something along the lines of corruption coming from within the actual temple. The entire storyline there isn't really fleshed out, but it's really just a rough draft ATM.


The story ends with the Exile and company rooting out the evil, and then leaving the galaxy on his/her quest for Revan, while knowing that he/she has left the Jedi Order at a point that won't collapse after his/her departure.


You'll note that all of this applies only to the LS ending. Well, after some more contemplation, I decided to incorporate the DS ending where the Exile and the Hawk remains on Malachor, and he/she teaches students there. I also figured that he/she and her party would travel to Coruscant anyway to pilfer any Jedi artifacts from the temple. So, essentially, the player visits Coruscant, no matter the alignment. There's still no real plotline for this, though, so I'm not sure if there will be DS side to the story. It'd make being LS even more worthwhile with more content (I'm a LS player by nature, so I tend to cater towards LS benefits beyond feel-goodness).


FEATURES(Rough collections of ideas)


*New Planet/Locations (Coruscant: Jedi Temple, Ebon Hawk: Damaged after Trayus)

*New Party Member(s): Bastila and/or Jolee (possibly)

**Recruiting Brianna (if female) and Mical (if male) with context-sensitive dialogue... these two would fill in G0-T0's spot (depending on gender).

*[Possible] Returning KOTOR I cameos: Dustil Onasi, Yuthura Ban, Belaya, Suvam Tan

*New dialogue, new items

*New small sidequests

**Ways to return to previous worlds and recruit new Jedi

**HK-47 remembers T3-M4.

**Bastila/Dustil/Jolee/Yuthura reveals some more of the Jedi Civil War, and Revan's role in the Star Forge crisis (assuming you set Revan as the canonical LS male).

**Redemption of Atris, and a role in the new Jedi Council (assuming you let her live)

**History of the Ebon Hawk

**A way to witness the roles of party members in the Jedi Order (Disciple on the Council, Mira teaching how to find, Atton teaching Pazaak, etc.).

*More additional content to further the gameplay time

*Some other stuff I can't think of at the moment, stuff for DS, etc.



What happens next?


All that to say, really, is that that's pretty much my ambition. I'd really, really like to work on this, but, alas, I really have no modding skills, at least not now. I'd like some input from those who have done similar things/know what they are doing/can tell me its not possible, just to know where to go with it.


Basically, I guess the first question to ask is: Is it even possible? I mean, can you throw something in there between the cutscene where the Hawk leaves Malachor (or doesn't, in the DS case) and the credits section? Or is it just scripted as one large movie without the possibility of additional ending content?


I hope I've made sense in this exposition (which seems like book length :p)... if you want more information, etc, I'll be glad to expand on specific (or even general) ideas.

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As far as I know, such a thing IS possible, however this mod would be immense, and i'm afraid you probably won't find many people willing to help.


I personally AM willing to help, but not until my other mod projects are completed. (2 months, possibly less).


I attempted something similar a while back, and i'm afraid that it failed miserably...

however this is smaller then the project I tried to start, (although this one is still pretty big).


My suggestion is that you begin enhancing you skills as a modder, first by reading some of the Tutorials, mess around for a bit with the simple stuff, (Item editing), and the move up to something bigger, (like a recruit or merchant mod.)


That way you will #1 build your skill up, and #2 pass the time until you have a reliable team set up.


Anyway. that's my advice.

Merry X-Mas!


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Alright, that's cool... like I said, not sure exacly how it'll work out, but, hey, I'm willing to try, at least.


I've done some minor work with the two things you've suggested... I've had some success, as well. Never actually posted anything, though, partly because I'm lazy, and partly because, well, everything I've done has been done better by others.


Still, good to know there's at least a little interest in something like this. And I do hope that it'll come to fruition, no matter how long it takes.


I suppose, for the time being, at least, I could start working on a definite storyline and dialogue exchanges, eh?



EDIT: I suppose it'd also be wise to ask what programs I'd need in order for something like this... so I'm asking. I've gotten much of the tools mentioned here (http://www.starwarsknights.com/tools.php), but not all of them. Also, if anyone would be so kind as to point me towards the exact tutorials I'd need for something like this, I'd be greatly appreciative.

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Well, I managed to track down the locales that'd be used for the Temple grounds. It's mainly the Nar Shaddaa central hub area (for the landing pad), the hidden Jekk-Jekk Tarr area (where Mira faces Hanharr), the sublevels of the Dantooine Jedi Enclave, and the council chambers (the buggiest of the group). I might also make another non-temple location on Coruscant using the Refugee sector.


I've also made a rough draft of the initial script, including the banter, as the Hawk leaves Malachor, using the damaged Hawk central area as the meating ground and area where everything is explained. Well, not everything, but a few things. This also branches to meeting Carth and Bastila on Telos again.


If anyone is interested in reading over and reviewing the plot for me, it'd be greatly appreciated. PM me and I'll send it to you...

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Nice :D after I completed the game for the first time, I was thinking about possible endings, like Kreia says *insert quote about orbiting ship* I was hoping we'd get a new ship instead of the boring old Hawk :lips1:. We really need to see the old party again, I can't remember the mod but I used to have my male Exile as Carth :D at the moment I'm Bastila. I always wondered where the other guys would be.. like.. would Jolee be on Kashyyyk on a mission from Revan rallying an army for his return, same as Carth and the Republic, and Mandalore and.. the Mandalorians? Its possible he could be training some of the wookies to become Jedi :D lol sorry for my rambling.


Oh and don't forget, theres already a Coruscant mod laying around, Its pretty impressive :) same council room from the holo-recording. If it was possible though, Taris joined with Nar Shaddaa would make a cool Coruscant.. even though porting Taris is "illegal" and all :xp:

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Nice :D after I completed the game for the first time, I was thinking about possible endings, like Kreia says *insert quote about orbiting ship* I was hoping we'd get a new ship instead of the boring old Hawk :lips1:. We really need to see the old party again, I can't remember the mod but I used to have my male Exile as Carth :D at the moment I'm Bastila. I always wondered where the other guys would be.. like.. would Jolee be on Kashyyyk on a mission from Revan rallying an army for his return, same as Carth and the Republic, and Mandalore and.. the Mandalorians? Its possible he could be training some of the wookies to become Jedi :D lol sorry for my rambling.


I've seen both the Carth and Bastila PC mods... I'm hoping that the original modders will let me use (or tell me how they did it) for this mod... as for Jolee, I think a simple reskin of one of the existing PC heads (the bald one) will do. Also, I was figuring that Jolee would've returned to Kashyyyk, especially if he survived the purge.


Oh and don't forget, theres already a Coruscant mod laying around, Its pretty impressive :) same council room from the holo-recording. If it was possible though, Taris joined with Nar Shaddaa would make a cool Coruscant.. even though porting Taris is "illegal" and all :xp:


That "Coruscant Mod" you were talking about is what originally gave me the idea. (I linked it in the original post) I loved how they used the Jedi Council room and the Dantooinian sublevel as the basis for the map... I plan on doing pretty much the same, only adding more features. :D

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I've always wanted to learn how to mod, but I'm too idle to lol. I've wanted to create a lot of games such as the Tales of the Jedi era with Ulic Qel-Droma etc, the Mandalorian Wars, and even the KotOR comics.. lol, if I only had the patience to learn how :)


Oh oh oh, don't forget to add Master Vandar and maybe Master Zhar.. I always had a feeling they where on Katarr when Darth Nihilus attacked, but I don't wanna believe that ^^

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Well, while I was browsing through the different appearances, I stumbled on A LOT of ported KOTOR I models, including Calo, Dustil, Uthar, Vandar, Suvam among others. Not all of them work correctly (While the Party_NPC_Bastila works, Party_NPC_s Jolee, Juhani, Carth, and Canderous don't. :( ). Also, some of the ones you'd assume they'd port, they didn't, (Yuthura, I'm looking at you. :mad: ), and others, like Davik Kang and Gadon (they've been dead forever!) are in. :|


From what I gained looking through them, Dustil is confirmed to be in the mod, and as a fairly prominent player (I'm considering having him take Jolee's place as a trainable party member ;) ). Bastila works almost exactly as she does in the original; her head can act independent of her standard body, allowing you to equip her with any clothing, etc., so she's in as well for sure. In order for Jolee to make it into a PC role, I'd have to figure out someone to drop... and I have no idea who that'd be (I'd really like to avoid removing either of the droids; T3 because he's the reason the Exile's still alive, and HK because of his, well, assassin-droid-esque-ness. :p)


If anyone has any suggestions, feel free to let me know ASAP.


Also, thank you for all of your respective inputs!

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Drop the Disciple, make it so your party.. having become jedi in your playthrough.. gain prestige classes, the Disciple could either be a Jedi Master, teaching the ways of the force at a rebuilt Dantooine Enclave? or as a Jedi Watchman.. out scouting a certain system for force sensitives so we dont have to see him again :p (although searching for FS' could always be another mission). But really, I cant stand his voice. As for the male playthrough, I'm sure we could do the same with the Handmaiden, she could probably take over Atris' place in the Telos academy.


Actually, I think HK-47 would be creating his army of HK-51's by now anyways :D. I'm all for porting, I dont really see anything wrong with it and its clear that Mission and everyone else were supposed to be in the files anyway (Theres also Mekel, Darth Brandon, Trask and even Deadeye Duncan dont forget (I kinda hoped that somehow Trask survived, but the ship blew up some time after you entered the pod. :().) Also if you can add it to the story, make it so we have more of those group missions.. y'know, one team on Dxun while the other is on Onderon etc.

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Well, due to a series of really complicated events (long story, not worth telling), I'm going to have to drop this project. :|


Sorry to anyone hoping for something like this... maybe I'll pick it up at a later date. Who knows.


I do request that any ideas, if anyone else feels like taking a crack at this, that I mentioned above be accredited to me... essentially, if someone wants to do this, and uses my distinct ideas, I at least get a mention somewhere ;)

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