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[K1] Trask Inventory Mod


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I have been looking for a good week for a mod I use to play with. I don't know if it is real (Maybe I dreamed it) or if it just dissapeared.


It's a K1 mod, where nothing changes beside one thing.

When you join the party with Trask, you get all of his items. Which is normal right? Well he has like all sorts of wepons, jedi robes, a few lightsabers, the Mantle of the Force crystal, the Guardian of the Force Crystal, a few other crystals (Upgrade ones) and all of the mesh upgrade things for armor. He also has the wepon upgrades.

On top of all this he has a few armor peices which are Ja-something... I can't remember. But they are GREAT, they restrict no force powers and are medium armor. It's some sort of bio-suit. I used it through the whole game last time...


If ANYONE could help, make a mod like this or help me find the original one, I'd love you forever!

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Awsome! Thanks so much :]

I swear I used it, maybe my brain is doing weird things.

But I remember that it was a crap-load of items. They were great, and just helped you a little through the game. There were Echanti armor, Swords (Vibroblades) Doubble bladed swords (I love these things XD) that included the doubble bladed vibroblade.


It was spectacular. Cause you could get all the great crystals without going in the crystal cave... Which I went into anyway but whatever XD



Edit :o


If I knew anything about modding I'd help. I've been looking at the tut's and it just continues to confuse me xD

*huggles you* You're awsome though :o

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