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Getting KotOR mods on a Mac

The Daft Punk

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Hey everyone! First post here at the fine Holowan Labs, makers and purveyors of KotOR mods.


I've been a longtime fan of KotOR, and for Christmas I finally got my hands on a copy for my Mac (specifically a svelte Macbook pro). Now, half the fun of PC games are the mods; the only trouble is, I can't seem to find a way to get them to work (except for Red Hawke's excellent ORD Mantell mod, which was a awesome and incredibly professional).


Now that I've seen what a proper KotOR mod is like, I'm ready for more. Except, of course, I can't get them to work. Is there any way I can either download PC mods and then tweak them to work on my Mac, or am I fresh out of luck?


Any advice would be great! Glad to be here!

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Personally, I think you should have installed Windows XP Pro Gaming (a fan-made, bare bones version of Windows XP with all of the best drivers for gaming) and used it only for gaming and installed your regular PC version of KOTOR onto it as well as all of the mods. It's what most Mac users I've met do, and also what I intend to do once I can finally afford to switch over to a Mac.


Just for gaming, now. Use the Mac OS for everything else.


If you're one of those types who finds it unethical to download such things, there are tutorials on the Web for editing a regular, commercial version of XP to be like that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I use a macbook PRO as well, but I just used boot camp to install windows XP. Just use boot camp. If you don't have leopard than I don't know what to tell you. But if you do I'd say either get a copy of this "gaming" windows, or just buy the full blown version of it and dual run it with boot camp.

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  • 3 years later...
Hey everyone! First post here at the fine Holowan Labs, makers and purveyors of KotOR mods.


I've been a longtime fan of KotOR, and for Christmas I finally got my hands on a copy for my Mac (specifically a svelte Macbook pro). Now, half the fun of PC games are the mods; the only trouble is, I can't seem to find a way to get them to work (except for Red Hawke's excellent ORD Mantell mod, which was a awesome and incredibly professional).


Now that I've seen what a proper KotOR mod is like, I'm ready for more. Except, of course, I can't get them to work. Is there any way I can either download PC mods and then tweak them to work on my Mac, or am I fresh out of luck?


Any advice would be great! Glad to be here!


funny...that's one of the few that I CANT get to work at the moment.

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