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something from my history class

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ok i had this discussion in my history class, i just wanna see the outcome here:



BUSH IS ON TV EVERYDAY SAYING "MAKE NO MISTAKE ABOUT IT, WE ARE GONNA DO SOMETHING BIG". The question is: should he be really saying that stuff on national tv?







Artificial intelligence is the stupidest fucking bastart that ever shoed his funny face in this forum. COPY MY SIG NOW BITCH! :p

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my opinion:


when bush says taht, the most of the americans will WANT SOMETHING BIG, like wars, bombs, FRIKIN FIREWORKS, whatever, those people that lost friends and relatives are pissed of and will rely on the president. the president CANT BE PISSED OF-NOT AS A COUNTRY, he has to THINK, not act like fuking John Wayne!


ok, lets fight





Artificial intelligence is the stupidest fucking bastart that ever shoed his funny face in this forum. COPY MY SIG NOW BITCH! :p

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Ummmmmm... Bush has gotta make sure he thinks through every possible outcome and the consequences, for example, if America does attack Afghanastan, well then the last report I heard was that more terrorist attacks would occur, and not just on America, it would involve all those who are allied with America and are helping them, so that would mean everyone's country on this forum is literally involved, especially those from America and England and Australia (although I'm the only person from Australia, I'm trying to make a point) The thing is, do you think President Bush is willing to risk losing more American lives? I don't think so, my guess is, he's trying to resolve this without bombing Afghanistan, coz he knows that innocent people will die, just like the innocent Americans died at the Pentagon and WTC. During the week, a report was released here that some middle eastern people had taken flying lessons with QANTAS, one of our airlines, of course they didn't think anything of it, until the attacks happened on America, of course it could be a coincidence, but a lot of people don't think so... we can't be careful, but I don't reckon Bush will attack unless it's the last resort, anyway, he said he was gonna give the Taliban 72hours or something to hand over Bin Laden, and that was 2 or 3 weeks ago...




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Guest grannen

George W Bush has managed to have the americans to screem for blood, lots of it and NOW!

Mr Bush is a former local politican whos knowledge about foreign countries and their history is almost nil. So is his knowledge in diplomacy. He has in his frustration painted himself into a corner and now the nation believes that carriers, destroyers, subs, missiles and perhaps even B-52s, you name it, is the answer to capture a man hiding in the mountain areas and is supported by religious fanatics in the arabic countries and who has his own gerilla troups in the order of about 10 000 men all spread out in Afganistan.

The real horror in this is that Mr Bush seems determined to use his power without thinking of the possible and most likely result, a total Jihad from these people, and perhaps from countries, against USA that would make WTC look like a minor incident, like the shot in Sarajevo 1914 that started WW1.

The result might be a new Vietnam (in best case) but far more devastating for the american people and the rest of the world.


Tony Blair is also to be blaimed. He seems too happy to support Mr Bush to start something that very quickly will run out of their control.

Let's hope that Mr Bush can listen to his Secretary of State, Colin L. Powell who has knowledge and experiance and seems to be the one with a brain!


(In July/August there were intervues in several european countries re how we looked at Mr Bush as a president so far.

I don't want to embarrass you by telling you the number of % who considered him "stupid".)




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