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[K1]Suggestion for a new planet: Ossus (+plot)

V. Melkalis

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First of all I would like to make clear that I am not ASKING for anyone to make this mod. I had this idea for a cool plot the other day, and well, I had to do something with it, or at least tell it to someone. I realize the complexity of such mod would require buttloads of work, but in retrospect KOTOR modding has evolved a lot in the last months and so, who knows, perhaps there is someone out there who is crazy enough to pick my idea. Before you start criticizing, I would also like to state that I wouldnt mind to learn how to mod properly to start this project, by unfortunately, my pc really isnt compatible with kotor tool. Though luck.


Anyways, here's my sugestion for a completely new planet mod with a full plot for it: Ossus, the planet where the great jedi library was located before it was destroyed during the Exar Kun wars. You will have to excuse my poor english skills. When you write something has big as this, your mind starts to get tired and you start losing patience which contributes a lot for possible spelling mistakes and bad grammar. The is also a bit incoerent in therms of structure aswell. Sometimes I describe certain stuff with loads of detail, while some other times I rush things with "blah blah blah"'s and "yadda yadda yadda"'s. But then again, that was just me running out of patience.


So here it goes, my suggestion for a new planet and a respective plot mod:


This mod idea is about adding a new planet and a respective secondary quest after all the star maps are visited. First of all it would require a small plot change on korriban:


- On Korriban Darth Bandon only appears if you chose to kill Uthar or both Uthar and Yuthura, showing up after you leave the tomb and turning the whole academy against you. However, instead of killing him, he will escape and swear revenge on you. If you kill Yuthura, the academy will remain the same like in the original game, and Bandon will only show on a later quest.


- After finding the last star map, you will meet a jedi NPC on the ebon hawk hangar that will tell you he came to inform you that the Jedi masters have escaped dantooine safely, and that they have assigned you to a new important mission.


- The jedi NPC will tell you: "It seems the Sith have taken quite an interest on the ruins of the ancient Jedi library on Ossus. Ossus was once known as an important center of research for the Jedi Order before its destruction on the Exar Kun wars. No one really knows what kind of ancient powers the ruins hide on them, but taken the latest sith fleet activity surrounding the planet, we believe the sith might know something about the ruins we are unaware of. Either way, we think its worthwhile for you to interrupt your quest and help us investigate this, for if the sith uncover the library's secrets no one knows how much their power will increase."


- The Jedi will leave and Ossus will be available on the ebon hawk's travel chart along with the star forge system, making this quest purely optional.


Now Ossus itself will be composed by three main areas: The Knossa City ruins where the Ebon Hawk will discreetly land, the Eocho Mountain Caves, home of the Ysanna, a tribe of force sensitive humans descendant of the few jedi that survived tha chataclysm that devastated the planet years before, and finally the Library Ruins themselves which will be divided in three sublevels. While arrving the orbit of Ossus the Ebon Hawk will run into h a small Sith fleet that will imediatly swarn the space with fighters, forcing the player to a turret encounter. After defeating the fighters the Ebon Hawk will manage to pass trough the blockade landing on the ruins of the old city named once known as Knossa.


- The chain of events will develop right after the arrival on Knossa City ruins: initially the party would have to find his way out of the city trough several predators until its eventual capture by a heavily armed sith patrol. However while on their way to the sith camp, the whole convoy would be embushed by an Ysanna raiding party, who would spare the party only thanks to Revan's linguistic capabilities. The party would then be escorted by the Ysanna raiders to the Eocho Caves were they live. Inside the caves, the party would be held prisioner until Revan is taken for questioning by the Ysanna leaders. After a short trial the Ysanna would consider to let them go free if Revan would be whilling to take part in a ritual called “the Trials of Destiny” which, according to the Ysanna traditions would determine the destiny - life or death, innocence or guilt – of the participant. Revan agrees to perform the trials for the sake of his life


- Unfortunately for Revan, the trials arent has easy has he expects. Turns out the trials consist into sending the participant to the deepest subterranean galeries of the moutain to find his way on the infinite network of caverns, without any weapons or food. However, once more luck seems to be on Revan's side. After two painful levels of fighting the underground horrors of the Eocho caves, Revan will accidentally run into a sith excavation after a tunnel almost collapses over his head. After killing all the sith archeologists and guards, Revan emerges into what seems to be an underground section of the old jedi library that the sith were attempting to uncover. Here Revan will find some datapads with some clues about the sith plans, along with an ancient cracked lightsaber found on the corpse of a long dead jedi. Unfortunately, due to the recent collapse of the tunnel, the door to the following sections of the library is permanently blocked, which leaves no other choice for revan but to leave trough the hole the sith originally dug to acess the room.


- This is where things get ugly though. Revan emerges in the middle of a sith excavation camp which is heavily guarded by all kinds of sith troopers. Outnumbered and without proper weapons, Revan is forced to either create a distraction or stealth his way out of the camp to once again return to the Eocho caves.


- After returning to the caves Revan is received with awe and admiration from the Ysanna. Revan then informs the Ysanna about the plans of the sith to uncover the deepest chambers of the library and offers his help to infiltrate the ruins and sabbotage their operation, providing enough distraction for the Ysanna to strike a full frontal assault against the Sith camp. The Ysanna leaders seem sceptic however, assuming you intend to possess the secrets of the library aswell, and demand a proof of faith to their cause. Revan would give them the ancient lightsaber found in the ruins which the Ysanna would interpretate as a sign from the destiny. However once again things arent as easy as they seem, since the Ysanna impose strict conditions to Revan: only he, accompained by an Ysanna guide, could enter the ruins. If your persuasion levels are high enough, you can also try to persuade the Ysanna to let you take one of the droids with you for some extra help. The chosen guide is a girl named Oksana which then joins your party.


- Ah, once again inside the dark tunnels of Eocho. This time will be more easy though, since you have an Ysanna guide on your side. On your way to the subterranean entrance to the library you will pass trough several statues and artifacts the Ysanna have uncovered from the ruins of the library and safely kept inside the caves, including most prominently several ancient artifacts belonging to the rakata, but most importantly a statue of a strange humanoid creature seeming to wear some kind of ancient jedi robes. Oksana would describe that statue as “the Keeper”, a divinity considered as a spiritual guardian for the Ysanna. In reality “the Keeper” is none other but the ancient jedi master Odan-Urr, the founder of the Ossus library and one of the most influent jedi masters of his time. After that, they finally find their way to the secret entry to the subterranean levels of the ancient library.


- Finally you made your way to chambers of the library of Ossus! Unfortunately, its remaining artifacts and knowledge are now being plundered by sith archeologists who are heavily guarded by sith elite troopers! Luckily, Oksana seems to be an expert in guerrilla tactics and stealth killing which might help you to even the scores a little. You are now located on the third sublevel of the library ruins, which is the deepest and less protected one. Your goal is to reach sublevel 2, the Chamber of Antiques, and put an end to the sith operations on it. After that, you are supposed to signal the Ysanna to start the main assault to the sith base camp. However, the sublevel 2 isnt directly accessible from sublevel 3, since the western doorway that connected sublevel 2 with sublevel 3 has collapsed. You are then forced to climb your way to sublevel 1, and finally go down once more to access the sublevel 2. Ya know, just to make things more interesting.


- So you enter sublevel 3. This level is only protected by a few squads of sith troopers, since its the smallest and the most deteriorated of the sublevels. You will find some more datapads regarding discoveries made during the excavations and some more clues about the real intent of the expedition. After some fights you finally get to the stairs to the second sublevel.


- Like it was stated before, the western entrance to the Chamber of Antiques its blocked, but there is still an accessible room which contains both the collapsed doorway to chamber and the stairs to the first sublevel. However the door that leads to the stairway seems to be locked by security reasons and requires a code to open. Oksana, manages to find a way to unlock the door by overriding the newly installed door control systems trough an old library console that is apparently deactivated. She tells you that its gonna take a while to get the console working so you have some free time to search the shelves of the library (obviously this is just a trigger to force you to inspect something so the doors can finally open). Locked on a small box you will find a small amulet of unknown origin. The instant Revan picks the amulet he is suddenly transported to another reality (pretty much like the rakata mind cell) where after a few seconds, a voice will speak:



“So you've reached this far Jedi. I wasnt expecting you to be so resourceful.”


You will then answer something like “who are you?” or “what am I doing here”, or perhaps even an ironic “is this another one of those mind cells?” if you completed that quest of course.


The voice will answer:


“I have been observing you ever since i felt your presence landing on this planet. I know you seek answers, and i am here to give you what you seek”


You will be able to question the voice about both the sith operations on Ossus and the star forge itself. If you ask about the star forge the voice will simply answer “That is not why you came here young Jedi. You are looking for something else here on Ossus.”


When questioned about the sith operations the voice will answer:


“Indeed, the sith are attempting to dig something big out of the old ruins. They have no interest in dusty jedi tomes or knick-knacks. They are searching for a way to expand their power inconmensurably. But then again arent they always?"


You will be able to ask some stuff which will always lead to you to the following answer:


“This is not a simple archeological expedition to find whatever they can take, even though most of the people here think so. The sith intend to find something very special within the ruins of the chamber of antiques. A set of ancient sith artifacts known as “The Triad”."


You will ask something like “what is specifically “The Triad”?”, to which the voice will answer:


“For that we will have to go back in time a few millennia”


The scenario will change once again and you now find yourself in a mountain of what seems to be a dark desolated planet. Three humanoids are in front of you, totally ignoring your presence. Once again the voice will speak:


“More than two thousand years ago, on the sith world of Ziost, there were three young sith warriors who served an ancient sithlord which name is now forgotten. Their names, however, were prominent enough to reach our days: Allur, Kaleb and Valoroth, the Brothers of Silence, who also became known as The Triad.

You see, unlike most sith warriors of its time, who differed a lot in their power and the way they used it, The Triad shared a most uncommon force bond, even within the sith. The Brothers of Silence were in fact triplets, and the bond that was created between them not only ensured their power evolved equally on all three, it allowed them to focus their minds in perfect synch and project their will on the Force. Somewhat similar to the old Jedi art named Battle Meditation, only instead of affecting an assemble of individuals, it afected precise targets on precise places and moments, which allowed them to become the perfect assassins, being able to eliminate their targets from miles and miles away.”


You will ask something like “what is specifically “The Triad”?”, to which the voice will answer:


“For that we will have to go back in time a few millennia”


The scenario will change once again and you now find yourself in a mountain of what seems to be a dark desolated planet. Three humanoids are in front of you, totally ignoring your presence. Once again the voice will speak:


“More than two thousand years ago, on the sith world of Ziost, there were three young sith warriors who served an ancient sithlord which name is now forgotten. Their names, however, were prominent enough to reach our days: Allur, Kaleb and Valoroth, the Brothers of Silence, who also became known as The Triad.

You see, unlike most sith warriors of its time, who differed a lot in their power and the way they used it, The Triad shared a most uncommon force bond, even within the sith. The Brothers of Silence were in fact triplets, and the bond that was created between them not only ensured their power evolved equally on all three, it allowed them to focus their minds in perfect synch and project their will on the Force. Somewhat similar to the old Jedi art named Battle Meditation, only instead of affecting an assemble of individuals, it afected precise targets on precise places and moments, which allowed them to become the perfect assassins, being able to eliminate their targets from miles and miles away.”


The three characters now seem to concentrate deeply, while down there a small convoy of sith warriors passes. Suddenly the master sith who was leading the convoy dies of no apparent reason and the three brothers now stop concentrating. The voice speaks once more:


“To develop this technique all three brothers became specialist on a single function that composed the process of projecting. Allur was the eyes; he projected his vision sense to see trough the Force, so he could guide his brothers. Kaleb, was the body. Guided by the sight of his brother, Kaleb was able to transport his essence trough the force and physically spectate the scene. Valoroth was the hands; transported by Kaleb's essence, he was capable of shaping and affecting the force on precise spots. Thus both their timing and execution were always flawless.

To amplify their powers with even more effect, each brother constructed a personal artifact which carried the essence of each: These artifacts which later were atributed the same name of their creators were the Amulet of Allur, the Headpiece of Kaleb and the Gloves of Valoroth. Thus the Triad was now complete both in resources and means.”


You will be able to ask “how did they died then?” to which the voice will reply:


“Like all great Sith who hunger for power above anything else, the three brothers were incapable of sharing their power altogether. They destroyed themselves by battling against inch other.”


The scenario goes all white once more.


“The artifacts however, now all that remained from the Triad, became in possession of a very known sith lord, who unable to use them kept them in his private artifact collection, for the Triad required the perfect synch of wills to work with three distinct individuals, and a greater amount of power and concentration no Sith could handle by itself. With the great hyperspace war, this collection of artifact was captured by Jedi knights, who stored it here along with their own knowledge”


You will be able to ask “Why do the Sith want the artifacts then?”, to which the voice will reply:


“The distinct mastery of the artifacts by each brother is impossible to reproduce by other three individuals, but if a Sith manages to get an unlimited source of power to fuel his intents, he will not only be able to use the all artifacts by himself, but to expand their power until....”


You will reply “...until he becomes omnipresent and omnipotent. Malak pretends to gain unlimited power trough the artifacts!”. The voice will reply:


Fortunately, the sith havent found the artifacts yet, and since none of them here knows the true extent of their power, you have the upper hand above them. And the power is now yours to reach... the question now is....... will you take it?”


Now you will have several possible reply options such as “Yes, I shall take the power”, “No, I shall destroy the artifacts for the good of the galaxy”, “Why?” and “Who are you?”. I will not list all respective answers, but I will list some consequences:


*If you answer yes, the dream will end and you will gain darkside points.

*If you answer no, the voice will reply something like “Then you shall fall victim of your own real desires!” , and a suddenly Revan himself will appear in front of you wielding precisely the same weapons you wield and with the same powers and attributes. If you manage to defeat him you wake from the dream and gain lightside points. If you lose, you wake from the dream and you gain a HELL LOT OF DARKSIDE POINTS!


You wake up with the voice of Oksana calling you, saying you seemed distracted for a while, and that the door is now open. You can now access the first sublevel and continue your quest.


- The first sublevel seems to be the most heavily guarded. Not only it is crowded with elite Sith troopers, but there are some Dark Jedi aswell who will surely difficult your life a lot. On the end of the level you will find a sithmaster guarding the stairways to the second sublevel. He will say some cliché lines, like all Sith masters say, but before you get ot fight him, he will use a huge wave of force lightning that you manage to deflect, but unfortunately kills Oksana and disables any T3/HK, if you have any in your party (did someone say plot device :p?). After you defeat him, you have no choice but to go down to sublevel 2 alone.


- Sublevel 2 is really deserted when comparing to the other ones, since only the most high ranked Sith are allowed to go in. So expect to find few enemies, though some might be really powerful. The first room will only have a few sith archeologists guarded by special elite troopers, who are supposed to be stronger than the average elite trooper. The second room is guarded by more special elite troopers and 2 massive shielded war droids. On the third room you will find another sith master blocking your way to the final rooms. The fourth room will consist in a huge empty section with a statue of “the Keeper” on the center. Finally in the fifth and final room you will find none other but Darth Bandon himself, investigating a sorted pile of ancient artifacts. He will seem surprised at first but then he will shout some epic lines at you like “finally, we meet again, there is where it ends, blah blah blah” and you get to say some epic lines aswell in reply such as “you wont escape this time, U will avenge trask, blah blah blah”. Then he will tell you that he is a lot more stronger since you last met him (IF you met him. Remember the plot changes on Korriban), that the knowledge of the chamber fed his power to unimaginable levels and starts daydreaming about overthrowing Malak and stuff, while mocking the uselessness of the Triad, saying that his belief in the power of such useless artifacts was the sign that Malak was getting weaker and demented.


So yeah, finally you start fighting Bandon and he's sure a lot more stronger this time. When you bring him about half his energy he will do something unexpected. He will pick an artifact from the table, an artifact most of you know all to well, the Bracelet of the Fiends! And he will use it to summon, not one, not two, but three Terentateks that will attack you after a cool summoning sequence. Bandon will stay behind, recovering from his wounds and supporting the beasts with force powers. After defeating the beasts Bandon will attempt to summon more. but in a cool sequence, Revan will throw his lightsaber and bust the bracelet. So finally its you against Bandon again in full health and with reinforced powers! By using other Sith amulets Bandon will be able to cast various unique force powers that surely will make your life harder. If you manage to defeat him, you know what to do. Go for the Triad and prepare to get the hell ouf there.


You will find the Triad with the other artifacts Bandon was investigating. Along with a datapad with the shield generator codes. When you are about to pick or destroy the artifacts, suddenly they will gain life and will be pulled away from your reach. Standing right behind you, you will see the force ghosts of the three Brothers of Silence themselves! The ghosts will mock you and deny your right to possess the artifacts because they feel that even though you have a dark taint inside you, your intentions seems to go against their wishes. These is were things may get freaky however. According to your allignment, two different results will be produced:



- If your allignment is dark, you will have to fight the three ghosts to the death, and they will be more than a match for you. After defeating them you will be able to take the artifacts for yourself and go to the first sublevel.


- If your allignment is light however, the combat will suddenly be interrupted by sequence in which a force wave will knock down one of the ghosts. Revan will look behind and he will see yet another force ghost, this one of none other but the Jedi Master Odan-Urr himself! He will then look at you and tell you: “Run away young Jedi, for this is not your fight! I alone must protect the library from this kind of evil. Revan would then quickly pick the artifacts from the ground and run to the door. While attempting to stop him, the sith ghosts would be blocked by Odan-Urr's ghost and will engage in duel with him as Revan makes his way safely trough the door who is immediatly locked after him. Revan will then destroy the artifacts and go to the first sublevel once again.


- On your way back to the first sublevel, you have to find a way to signal the Ysanna to start the assault. There's a generator on the center of the sublevel that you have to overload to cause a massive explosion, thus attracting the attention of the Ysanna. The generator is protected by shield you have to deactivate by using the codes you got from Bandon. If you have brought T3/HK with you, you will now find them to be operational again claiming that their autorepair systems allowed them to regain an acceptable level of functionnement once again. Either way, when you overload the generator, you have to quickly find your way back to the surface where the main assault is about to begin!


- On the surface again, you find quite a nice spectacle. The Sith, disoriented and confused with the massive explosion are now an easy prey for the Ysanna raiders. You have no time to help on the battle though. A sith fleet is still orbiting over the planet, and that may affect the outcome of the battle as more reinforcements keep arriving from the sky. Go to the sith communications array and request the reinforcements to stop by hacking the computer console. The Ysanna will eventually win, and the sith fleet realizing what happened to the camp and the library itself, decide to retreat. After that, the Ysanna will thank you, give you some stuff as a gift, and everyone is happy. You can now explore the surface ruins of the library peacefully and you may uncover a lot of shinies. To leave the planet, go back to Knossa city ruins, clear some lost sith patrols and make your way to the ship, leaving Ossus for good.



The end.

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Ok now for discussing a few technical issues i will present a few things that led me to create certain aspects of this plot:


Ossus - Was once a lush planet located on the Adega system, that hosted a small Jedi praxeum were young Jedi trained peacefully. On approximately 5,000 BBY (a 1000 years before KOTOR) the young Jedi Master Odan Urr, decided to build a great Jedi Library on Ossus so he, and others, could learn from eons of ancient knowledge. However Ossus was destined to be a peaceful planet forever. On the outcome of the Exar Kun war, Ossus was devastated by a cataclysm that destroyed the nearby stars of the Cron Cluster, rendering its once rich environment to a barren, toxic atmosphere. Along with the planet's surface, the library was apparently destroyed aswell. With a rich and complex history, Ossus was my first choice when creating this plot.


The Chamber of Antiques - Located in the second sublevel of the great Ossus Library, the Chamber of Antiques was the section that contained all ancient artifacts from both Sith and Jedi origins so they could be safely kept and studied by the library scholars. The Chamber was in charge of Master Odan-Urr himself who estimated the knowledge and the value of such artifacts above everyone else.


The Ysanna - The Ysanna is a tribe of force sensitives who descend from Jedis who survived the catachlysm that completely raised Ossus during the Exar Kun wars. They were first introduced on the Dark Empire EU comics, that continued the events after the Return of the Jedi. Even though only 40 years have passed since the Exar Kun wars, which might not be enough time to forget a complete Jedi heritrage, I decided to use my imagination a bit since I thought they would a nice addition to this plot. Instead of having a whole planet filled with sith troopers. For more information about the Ysanna please check http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Ysanna


The Triad - I created the story of the Triad from scratch. When you have a library filled with sith artifacts, the possibilities are nearly endless when attempting to create new ways to relate "ancient evil" with the current plot. Initially I intended the Triad to be a set of sith holocrons who possessed the knowledge for countless ancient sith weapons, but then I remembered there was only one Sith holocron in the library of Ossus that was in possession of master Odan-Urr, which was later stolen by exar kun who destroyed it in order to spiritually possess various Jedi knights to help his cause during the Exar Kun war. So I had to imagine some kind of artifacts that could still help Malak to consolidate his power, and that's when I came with the three brother's story and their respective artifacts; a set of ancient artifacts who were potentially useless by themselves but when combined with the energy of the star forge could generate unlimited power. Its a great way to justify your deviation from the main quest, while relating both the sidequest plot with it. What if Malak would get his hands on the Triad before you arrived the Star Forge :)?


Odan-Urr - For those who havent read the Tales of the Jedi comics, Odan-Urr was an ancient Jedi master who was responsible for the creation of the Jedi library of Ossus. He took part on central events of both the great hyperspace war, about 1000 before KOTOR, and on the Exar Kun war in which he was murdered. Odan-Urr as always been a favorite of mine so i really had to somehow include him on the plot. His appearance as a force ghost is highly justifiable, since on his death, his body vanished completely somewhat like obi wan when he died on ANH. For more information about Odan-Urr please check http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Odan_Urr


Bandon's plot change - I always thought KOTOR could use a few secondary villains to spice the plot a bit, and I seriously disliked the sudden death of Darth Bandon. So I thought making him the main villain on this plot would be great instead of creating another superfluous character. So since he couldnt escape Korriban alive without warning the entire sith academy to turn against you, jeopardizing your quest, I thought the best solution would be to relocate his appearance to only after you completed the korriban star map quest.


The Amulet - While arriving the second sublevel of the library for the first time, Revan will find an amulet that will give him a vision of both the sith plans and the story of the Triad. If you read that far, you might have immediatly concluded that the amulet was of ancient Sith origins and the voice belonged to an ancient sith spirit. The amulet felt the dark taint within Revan and found him more worthy to unveil the secrets of the Triad than the Sith themselves. If, however, Revan denies to use the power of the Triad, the amulet will unleash the dark taint within Revan by splitting his personality in two. Revan will then confront his former self in order to once again stop his dark impulses from emerging. Various Sith amulets like this one were kept in the archives of the Chamber of Antiques, and they were known for having all kinds of strange powers that could easily corrupt young curious Jedi. Check http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Sith_amulet for more information.


Like I said before, I am aware creating a mod like this would take a lot of time and resources, still I had to share this story with someone. Please give me feedback on what you think about it, even if you dont believe such mod would be possible.

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