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mod idea!!


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remmeber that snobby lady in upper city taris cantine one that brings in thugs you you insult her attitude problem i was thinking why not expand on that for lightside or darkside points depending on how you handle it.


idea is after she runs off from killing the thugs she appears with daddy and another group of thugs on main street.


father starts talking with you for lightside you can make him realize how spoiled and bratish his duaghter has become where using climatic sequence could make it look like hes grabbed her by the ear and taking her hom,e saying all the punishment she has coming her way.


for darkside you can slay the thugs the father and that spoiled child!!


onn and make this compatbile with bastilla hunt mod you know one where sith troops and robots go hostile on you i use that mod and would prefer to use both together!!

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