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Well, thanks to all you guys with your help and tutorials I´ve learned a lot. But I´ve a few more questions: (and sorry for my english, but I really want to learn).


1- Doors: I´m trying to connect one door to other (two differents .mod files). On the module´s .gi file I´ve this:




What I´ve to put to them? I know XYZ its for the coordinate of the door, LinkedToModule its the other module´s name that I want to connect it and the tag and template are the "ID" that I want to name this door.


But I don´t know what I´ve to write in the others.


2 -Reskins: I´ve experience with photoshop. And I want to create reskins. For example. If I want to create a new Twilek´s skin. With his own texture in a targa file.


How can I create this new appearance?


3 -Variables and Quests: I want how to create variables and changes the values with my actions. For example: If you talk about spice with "Rodian 1", when you speak with "Rodian 2" he will say bad things to you. But if you talk with "Rodian 1" about the weather if you speak later with "Rodian 2" he will say good things to yoy.


I know how to make the rodian to say other things with dlgeditor (with "script that determines availabity". But I don´t know to create the script that make possible this.


Thats all. And again thanks for your help. :)

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For the doors; LinkedTo is the tag of a waypoint in the module you're moving to where you will spawn, if this is blank I guess you'd spawn at the module start locations. LinkedToFlags - I have absolutely no idea what this is, I always leave it alone. TransitionDestin - This is the text that displays on the screen as you walk through the door, for example on Dantooine as you leave the Sandral estate it says something like Dantooine - Sandral Grounds.


For reskin, just extract the texture of an existing Twi'lek and alter it to how you want it too look.


For variables and quests - You could follow Darth333's journal entries dialog here, which is one of the best tutorials I've ever read. Anyway if you created some journal entries and say one of them said something like 'you've spoken to little geezer about spice, blah blah' and that was ID 10, at the end of the dialog when you spoke to him you would use this script,


void main() 

And in the dialog of the other guy you'd have a node with this conditional on it that would make him say bad things to you;

int StartingConditional() {
 return (GetJournalEntry("JOURNAL_TAG")==10);

If you wanted to use globals, using the same example above for dialogs, at the end of the first guys dialog when you spoke to him you could add this script;

void main () {

For the conditional on the other guys dialog you would use this script;

int StartingConditional() {
if ((GetGlobalBoolean("01_TEST")==TRUE)){
return 1;
return 0;

You could use any of the globals from Taris for K1 or Peragus for TSL as they're done with once you leave the planet, or you could edit globalcat.2da and add your own globals - if you do it this way and are planning on realesing a mod use TSL Patcher so that it will be compatible with others.



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1- Doors: I´m trying to connect one door to other (two differents .mod files). On the module´s .gi file I´ve this:




What I´ve to put to them? I know XYZ its for the coordinate of the door, LinkedToModule its the other module´s name that I want to connect it and the tag and template are the "ID" that I want to name this door.


But I don´t know what I´ve to write in the others.


Try this thread and go to Doors: http://lucasforums.com/showthread.php?t=185991

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