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Changing the Classes


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I want to change the beginning classes for a bigger mod in progress. Right now I have the standard Soldier, Scout, and Scoundrel. This is all part KOTOR I and this is what I want.

Name: KOTOR My Mod

Soldier = Jedi Guardian

Scout = Jedi Sentinel

Scoundrel = Jedi Consular

Jedi Guardian = Jedi Master

Jedi Consular = Sith Lord

Jedi Sentinel = Dark Jedi

* Is this possible?

* If it isn’t then is it possible to make the Soldier, Scout, and Scoundrel classes obtain the Force and Force Powers like the Jedi classes?

* Can I add new classes for instance:

Trooper Class:




Jedi Class:

Jedi Guardian

Jedi Consular

Jedi Sentinel

Great Force Class:

Jedi Watchman

Jedi Weapon Master

Jedi Master

Sith Assassin

Sith Marauder

Sith Lord

Also by going to (BIFs > templates.bif > Blueprint, Character) anywhere in this folder you can change the properties of almost every character and creature in the game. Can I indevidually change what the possible models have, the models when you start a new game and select what class and portrait you want. You can change the other character such as Bastila and Carth but I can’t find the main player models.

Any help will be appreciated as always.

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