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Func_Door; Help?

Mutant Ender Jr

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I'm having a bit of a problem with building a door. I'm a total newbie to the fundamentals of mapping. I can make a simple map, without any fancy stuff (elevators, doors, etc.), but now I want to build this door, and it's giving me a hard time. I'm not sure how this whole "angle" thing works.


What do I do? Do I just type in angle for the key, and up/down/right/left for the value? It's frustrating. :(


If you'd like, you can IM me on either AIM or MSN.


MSN: izopephreak@gmail.com

AIM: slim100004



Thanks in advance!



M.E. Jr

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Looking at your door top down, press N to bring up the window.

Then either:

click the button on the lower left that shows the angle you want. They are in a square pattern, or just to the right of that is an Up or Down option.


enter the Key: Angle and the value in degrees. -1 is Up and -2 is Down if I recall correctly. The other values are 45, 90, etc. 90 is toward the top of the map I believe as you look down on it.

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