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<IMG SRC="http://www.escapemi.com/forums/smilies/cwm24.gif" border=0>


yikes, niko ya bein a little hard on him...........take it easy



<IMG SRC="http://www.imgstudio.com/lthumb/1011012303814.jpg" border=0>



Stay in school, learn the system,

then change the system.

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hard on fellas? u dont know tha kid. he had 3 chances and he failed, now he gets here as a smart ass.. what did u think was gonna happen? and dont say we didnt try, when he got here i(we, probably) had to swallow all that bul****, its not easy...



<IMG SRC="http://www.angelfire.com/apes/mi/filme___al_back_from_the_big_whoop_03.gif" border=0> <IMG SRC="http://www.angelfire.com/apes/mi/gimme.gif" border=0>


"-you cant be a stand-up guy!

-But what about airline food?

-What about it?

-Gosh, what is up with that stuff *rimshot* thank you, good night. See i can be a standup guy...

-...forget it."--Plankton and Spongebob

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Originally posted by Al-back from the BigWhoop:

hard on fellas? u dont know tha kid. he had 3 chances and he failed, now he gets here as a smart ass.. what did u think was gonna happen? and dont say we didnt try, when he got here i(we, probably) had to swallow all that bul****, its not easy...



um..........hes not a smart ass.........hes a dumbass BIG difference<IMG SRC="http://www.escapemi.com/forums/smilies/cwm11.gif" border=0>



<IMG SRC="http://www.imgstudio.com/lthumb/1011012303814.jpg" border=0>



Stay in school, learn the system,

then change the system.

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Originally posted by Guybrush122:

um..........hes not a smart ass.........hes a dumbass BIG difference<IMG SRC="http://www.escapemi.com/forums/smilies/cwm11.gif" border=0>



<IMG SRC="http://www.escapemi.com/forums/icons/icon14.gif" border=0>





<IMG SRC="http://www.angelfire.com/apes/mi/filme___al_back_from_the_big_whoop_03.gif" border=0> <IMG SRC="http://www.angelfire.com/apes/mi/gimme.gif" border=0>


"-you cant be a stand-up guy!

-But what about airline food?

-What about it?

-Gosh, what is up with that stuff *rimshot* thank you, good night. See i can be a standup guy...

-...forget it."--Plankton and Spongebob

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