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[FIC] Prelude to Darkness (working title)

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This would be my first fic for Star Wars.


This would take place in the time between K1 and TSL. Two years after K1 to be specific.


It involves Canderous Ordo seeking to claim the title of Mand'alor from the "False Mandolore" mentioned in K1.


It also involves a Jedi named Aldor Cole. He trained at the Jedi Academy on Taris, until it closed its doors after the Jedi Covenant killed their Padawans and framed Zayne Carrick for it. Now he must contend with the devastation of his home, which he had been away from for 10 years.


Darth Sion will probably also appear, as the Sith Assassins begin to attack the Jedi. Not really sure where Nihilus would fit. This story would also give us a glimpse of the Compeer, the supreme leader of the Exchange.


But before I finish up the first chapter, there are a couple of concerns:


1. Anyone remember when Zez-Kai Ell said he started his self-imposed exile? Was it during or before or during K1? I don't want to screw around with continuity. Wookieepedia's entry was kindof vague.


2. Since Aldor will be surveying the damage to Taris first hand (with Zez if it's not a continuity problem), I don't want to butt heads with what e-varmint is doing with this mod .


EDIT: Fixed a pesky grammatical error on top.

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This would be the first fic for Star Wars.


Oh really?



1. Anyone remember when Zez-Kai Ell said he started his self-imposed exile? Was it during or before or during K1?

After K1 obviously, because he was one of the jedi on Katarr
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This would be the first fic for Star Wars.

Sorry , but there has been MANY SW fan-fics. ;)

It also involves a Jedi named Aldor Cole. He trained at the Jedi Academy on Taris, until it closed its doors after the Jedi Covenant killed their Padawans and framed Zayne Carrick for it. Now he must contend with the devastation of his home, which he had been away from for 10 years.

I have never read of there being a Jedi Academy on TARIS. The SITH controlled planet. Did you mean Katarr or something?

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I edited that rather glaring grammatical error, so that know one else would get the wrong idea.


Zez-Kai Ell could not have been on Katarr, as Visas was the only survivor.


There WAS a Jedi Academy on Taris. It was home to the the First Watch Circle, a group of Jedi Masters who could use the Force to vaguely see into the future. They saw a vision of a Sith Lord in a red envirosuit (probably Malak, as he was seen with such a suit in his possession) wiping them out, and doing much damage to the Jedi as a whole. As their Padawans were wearing theses suits during a training exercise at the time of this vision, they saw this as a sign that one of their Padawans would become the Sith Lord. So they killed ALL of their Padawans during a knighting ceremony, and framed Zayne Carrick for it. As a consequence to this, Master Vrook (who never really trusted the FWC to begin with) shut down the Taris Academy and reassigned all of its masters to separate posts. When the Mandalorians invaded Taris, Cassus Fett used the Jedi Academy as his base of operations. Zayne and the Hidden Beks, who had become rebels fighting the occupying Mandalorian forces, destroyed the Academy, though Fett was elswhere at the time. This is all chronicled in the KOTOR prequel comic. This is why it is not mentioned or visited in K1, it had been destroyed 7 years earlier. Though that would explain Sith interest in the planet (as they took it over BEFORE Bastila crashed there).

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Do you have a link for this information? I looked on this page and saw some similar information on this event.



1. Anyone remember when Zez-Kai Ell said he started his self-imposed exile? Was it during or before or during K1? I don't want to screw around with continuity. Wookieepedia's entry was kindof vague.

Well, Jedi Master Zez-Kai Ell went into a self-imposed exile on Nar Shaddaa. According to wookiepedia.com He went into his self-imposed exile in the onset of the First Jedi Purge. And the First Jedi Purge started in 3955 BBY and ended in 3951 BBY with the destruction of Malachor V. My best guess would be between 3955-3954 BBY. Use common sense on that question. ;)


Links Jedi Master Zez-Kai Ell | First Jedi Purge

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Do you have a link for this information? I looked on this page and saw some similar information on this event.


I did say


This is all chronicled in the KOTOR prequel comic.


Though the comment about the Sith being interested in the planet is conjecture. As for Malak being the Sith Lord that the Jedi Covenant saw visions of, the character of "Squint" will eventually become Malak, and he was seen with a red envirosuit just like the Sith in the visions. So there's

here, here, and of course the KOTOR comic itselt, Wookieepedia can sometimes be slow on the upchuck when it comes to updating articles with events in its issues.

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