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[REQ] Non-pearshaped males.


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Okay, so I only made it halfway through TSL when it first came out, due to not being able to get past the fact that your character looks like a pear on legs. And I'm not sure whats worse, how bad it looks with robes, or with armor. Anyway, that's been the main reason why my TSL discs sit gathering dust, and I replay KotOR1 occasionally. Now, I've found the mod that fixes the female body, but never found one to fix the male body.


So recently I decided to pick it up and play TSL again, thinking maybe I remember it worse than it was. Sadly, that was not the case. I'm really hoping there is someone out there that can (or has) fix the hips and robe bulge problem. Cause it really does kill the game for me, and I really don't enjoy playing as a female char either.


- Zy


Edit: So I didn't get past the first level, due to the same distraction. Clone wars has come and gone, and I deeply needed to do SOMETHING star-wars to get that movie out of my head. So I reinstalled and have been playing through my star-wars games. And lo-and-behold, I'm at the KOTOR games again. I'm halfway through K1, and I figured I'd check, remake, or bump my old thread to if someone out there could help me with my predicament. Anyone?


I mean, I'm not even adverse to a bit of modding myself, is there someway I could import the body models from K1? I really want to play this game, but it really is an annoyance for me, and a bad one. Star Wars games have always been high on immersion for me, but sadly I can't get that with TSL. Thanks in advance.


- Zy


I'm very sorry Zy but we do not allow thread bumps or re-posts here, due to the nature of the requests forum if we did it would be a ton of duplicate threads and 'bump' posts. I combined your posts this time.


Also we do not condone discussions revolving around porting, that includes from KotOR to TSL.


Sorry mate. -RH

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  • 5 months later...
I had literally just found that when I came back to say nevermind, I will definitely be trying that out, and will sound off in that thread on the results.


- Zy



(Note: Thanks mate, and feel free to disregard my PM)

You are welcome. And will do on the PM (What PM? :D )... glad I could be helpful for a change. ;)

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