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[K1] Dialog Question


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Basically... it's a script that you have to attach to some part of the dialogue. (Perferably the end, that way that you can get it the first time XD) Yeah... I can't remember the script though... I accidently found it once, but I lost it, probably in my trash can, then deleted. :(

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Go to Bif --> 2da --> 2da array and extract gloalcat.2da


Open globalcat.2da.

Now you can either create your own global or use on from taris. ( If your mod doesn't happen on taris)


If you created your own it should look something like this.

{Row laber} Name Type
444 Test    Number


Be sure that that type is number.


Now create a script that you attach in the dailog after that line that you want to only happen once. This script shall be in fire when spoken.


void main() {
SetGlobalNumber("test", 1);



Now create another script and attach it on the dailog line that you want to only happen once. This script shall be placed in the determines availability.




int StartingConditional() {
int i = GetGlobalNumber("test");
if (i == 0){
	return TRUE;
return FALSE;


Now put your changed dialog, these two script and globalcat IF you created your own global in the override.


Hope it works.

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