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Bow and arrow

Guest Rapp Scallion

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Guest Rapp Scallion

I have an old game on my computer. The name is "Bow & Arrow" Can someone here help me? I have comed to the level where it is a lot of trees throwing apples. What shall i do?



<IMG SRC="http://hjem.sol.no/cemetery/mysig/rapparts.jpg" border=0>

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Bow and Arrow! That was such a horrible game. I suggest either deleting the game or stomping on your CPU to solve the problem.



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Metallus is feeling <IMG SRC="http://home.dal.net/metallus/images/art/pooty.gif" border=0>

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Guest Rapp Scallion

Originally posted by Moti:

Wow that's an old game...i think you need to shoot the applessmile.gif


And when i don`t have any arrows again?



<IMG SRC="http://hjem.sol.no/cemetery/mysig/rapparts.jpg" border=0>

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