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I name thee....

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Hehe, I gotta say I've heard of some pretty funny names in this thread *giggles insanely at 'Kal-El'* But, to stay on topic, I think the problem with some people is that they let their names define them, and they become self-conscious. My sister was named Harrynella (*gags* Unfortunately my dad's name was Harry and he wanted his firstborn named after him - he didn't realize his firstborn may be a girl xD) and she hated it (though I gotta say I would, too).


She became so set on not being known as a girl with a guy name (and 'nella' added to the end x3) that she turned extremely girly and... annoying, even though that's not how she really was (she was actually a tomboy, nerdy kind of kid).


Anyways, I think that there are many people who would balk at anyone named a strange, or violent-sounding name *giggles at the idea of Anakin*. But there are also a lot of people (me included ^^) who would freak out and have a happy seizure if someone were named after any kind of character (not just Star Wars or LotR).


I also loooove meeting people with strange names. I once met a girl named Shakondola. The ghetto-est name I've ever heard, I think. Even though I love strange names, though, I've never name one of my kids anything like that xD


*stares at long reply and faints* x.x

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Luckly enough I have managed to avoid being given an annoying name, because my last name is Wedge, you can imagine what I could have been called for example Sam Wedge (Sandwich).


An interesting fact that when my Mum was married to my Dad (they are now divorced) she was Sue Wedge, I always wondered why she always went by Susan then.


Supposably my Grandad said to her that her name would be Sueage right before she got married. :lol:


Though a downside of my surname is that myself and my (twin) brother went through school known either as Wedge or Wedgie, even our P.E. teacher refered to us as Wedgie probably because he didn't wan't to look stupid if he said the wrong name, and he heard one of our friends call us by it.


On another note when I was working in a hospital dealing with patient records I noticed a patient with the first name Olive who married a Mr Branch, I also saw a Rainbow there somewhere.

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