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[K1] Simple scout undies recolor


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It always kind of bugged my that the female scout underwear in Kotor 1 was such an unattractive brown color.


All I'm looking for a simple recoloring of the brown parts to white/grey, so it looks more like cotton like the soldier underwear, and not like leather :xp: The gold accents can remain - though I think they'd look really good as blue.


I've tried my hand it, but I don't have enough skills with image editing or the proper software to isolate and recolor the brown parts. For the time being I've just swapped the scout and soldier underwear models - but of course then my scout gets a few inches taller whenever she's undressed so it's not an ideal solution.

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Here, if I understand what you're asking, I'm pretty sure I can explain how to do this on your own.







First, what program did you use to try and edit it?


I'd use GIMP 1.2 -> http://gimp-win.sourceforge.net/old.html (bottom of page, download and install GTK+ for Windows and then download GIMP 1.2 and install)


If you're not using GIMP 1.2 (it's free!) then the instructions I'm about to give you will be useless. I mean... kinda goes without saying. Bear with me here.


Once you get that all installed, use the "select regions using bezier curves" tool (top row, 5th one down, looks kinda like a pen) to select all the regions you want to recolor. Start at one point, click and click along the edges of what you want to color, and circle around until you've selected the whole region, and are back where you started (click the first dot you made once you get back to it in order to complete the selection, and then click inside it -- the cursor will have a little dotted square on it, that's how you'll know you can select the region to highlight).


Once it's selected, right-click and go to Image -> Colors -> Desaturate


That'll make the brown white and gray. Keep it selected, go to Image -> Colors -> Levels, and... see the grey and white arrows? Move those up the slide bar until the newley grayed brown areas are white enough for you.


If you're done with your selection, go back to the main GIMP box and click the tool that looks like a lasso (top row, middle button), and then click OUTSIDE your selection to unselect it. Right click and save your progress, because GIMP 1.2 is notorious for crashing in the midst of tedious work :fist:


Ok, you wanted the gold areas blue? See them, amidst the gray? They got desaturated along with the rest of it. Use the method outlined above to select them (you can do multiple selections at a time). Then, once they're selected, right click and go to Filters -> Colors -> Colorfy


The colorfy thing is crude: there are much more concise ways of making something a certain color. But in this case, you're working with white, which is easy to colorfy. If you're interested, I can explain how to make something that's another color a completely different color. It's really easy.


But anyway, in the colorfy box click the "custom color" block, and then choose your color. You can darken it by sliding up and down on the color bar thing next to the spectrum. Once you have your color, click ok and then click ok again in the main colorfy box. That'll make the regions you selected blue.




Phew. I hope that all made sense. If you're REALLY stuck, I can do it for you. But I'd prefer you do it yourself, if only for the self gratification of instilling knowledge on an eager mind. :xp:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I tried GIMP a while ago and I found it to be somewhat obfuscated and overly complex. I tried it before because I wanted to edit an alpha channel for another game where the alpha channel was actually a depth (bump) map, but I couldn't find anyway isolate the alpha channel from RGB and see it in greyscale to actually edit it.


Anyway, does it have automatic selection based on edge detection? E.g. The Magic Wand in Photoshop - that's basically what I had in mind. I used Photoshop in college, but I don't have the money for it now (well, I do, but obviously I'm not going to buy it for one time use) and I don't pirate stuff.


The other thing that's nice is that when you have an area selected in PShop and change the color, Photoshop can automatically blend the new color into the edges of the unselected area - will GIMP do this?


I mean if I'm manually selecting areas and it's not blending the colors, I might as well be using Paint.


I'm familiar with photoediting, as said I used Photoshop in college so the knowledge is already instilled. I just don't have the patience to learn GIMP's interface or desire spend the money on Photoshop for a one time thing.


If you're willing to make this change, I'd really appreciate if you'd do so :)

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