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PBD-er- Blaze needs help with her site....

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Normaly I wouldn't ask, I've had a many of sites before and I was the only one who worked on them... But latley... I dont know, I've just been under alot of stress and haveing a hole new site to work on all by my sell just adds to it... So as you've already guessed I'm asking if any1 would like to join my crew over at MonkeyMug... I wouldn't ask but none of my friends IRL like MI enough to work on a site and my other online friends are a little anti MI *because all i do is talk about MI and my PS2... I gotta get out more* So if anyone has any spare time and wants to help me out... go to http://ps2misland.homestead.com/joincrew.html I dont own my own server ^.^* I already owe over $200 to my parents on the site... I HAD TO SELL MY *almost* BRAND NEW N64! not that haveing a n64 matters anymore.. but ya, HELP THE SEMI-HELPLESS NOT-AS-MIGHTY-AS-SHE-THINKS-SHE-IS-PIRATE, opps... I didn't mean to put that in caps...


P.S: Oh and if your wondering about why I put "PBD" in the subject... I go by many names on 4 fourms, perbulbadash is one of 'em and PBD is a short form for it, I kinnda forgot what fourm I was at AGAIN <IMG SRC="http://www.escapemi.com/forums/smilies/cwm43.gif" border=0>and I left it there cuz it kinda makes it look abnormal -er- weird or whatever you want to call it.


P.S.S: Someone has to save me... I just remembered I do have one staff member, uh... a veary mad one... a monkey... ya... he's my mascot... you can see him over my head on my avatar. I think he wants to kill me cuz I forgot him... *Minta (thats the monkeys name yes i was high when i thought it up <IMG SRC="http://www.escapemi.com/forums/smilies/cwm21.gif" border=0> ) comes up behind blaze with a bloody knife* EEP! gotta go! *runs away*



-Blaze Marley-Flamestrike


AIM: Chocobo Blaze

Neopets: perbulbadash

Monkey Mug.com The Monkey Island Fan Site



"What kind of word is flume anyway? FLUME, FLUME.... FLUME..." - Guybrush Threepwood

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i was about to consider it, but i cant work with anyone cruel enough to make you download those damned comet cursors tongue.gif


j/k, hope you find who your lookin for.



<IMG SRC="http://members.hostedscripts.com/randomimage.cgi?user=alk3kid" border=0>

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It's good to see another MI site with a domain...but I'm already working at 6+ websites. Sorry!



<A HREF="http://home.dal.net/metallus/index.htm" TARGET=_blank><IMG SRC="http://members.hostedscripts.com/randomimage.cgi?user=Metallus"" border=0></A>

Metallus is feeling <IMG SRC="http://home.dal.net/metallus/images/art/pooty.gif" border=0>

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