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[TSL-UTC Editing] Do class and level influence the template?


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Yep again, I'm taking a look at .utc files of NPCs (mostly bosses) and I wonder how class and level affect their stats. So I have a few precise questions about to understand precisely how mechanics work with these files:


For all those questions, I'll assume the MultiplierSet field is set to 0. Else I guess most of a NPC's caracteristics are determined by autobalance.2da and what we set in the .utc is not used by the game.


What determines the HP of a character whose .utc has been modified? Does the game calculate, just like for PC and Party Members, how many points his Constitution, his levels, his class and his feats give him and add that to the value of Base Hit Points?

In other words, if I want a NPC to have 500 HP, do I just put this number in Base Hit Points? Will it be over 500 due to the feats/levels?


Same question about Force Points. Does the game use the level we gave to the character to determine it or is it fixed by what we set in the field?


What is the point of changing the class of a character? Does it give him his class feats, or do we have to check manually each feat we want them to add?

Will the game add the attribute points a character gain every four level, using the "recommanded" attribution?


And the bonus question: What is the field named "crmod" in autobalance.2da? I can't figure out what "CR" stands for.



Thanks in advance!

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