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(TSL) Exiles Mandalorian War Trophys

Darth Payne

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I would like to request a mod that either puts a new locker containing a few mandalorian armors and items in the room on peragus in which 3CFD is stored, or a datapad in the ssame room which tells you where to find said items.


These items would be armors and weapons that the Exile took as war trophys during the mandalorian war.


This mod should contain all mandalorian armors available in the game as well as a pair of blaster pistols, a pair of blaster rifles.


Exactly what 'A Pair' means is up to you.


Btw, the red-blue-yellow armors should only be .uti files so any reskin can be used.


Is anyone up to this?

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I thought the Hawk was searched and items were confiscated on Peragus?


Perhaps the datapad thing is a good idea, it could say that a contact was on Telos with the trophys.


It would explain what the Exile was really going there for, as far as i know it was never explained why the exile went there.


One of the empty apartments could be used as the rendevousz.

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