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Help With Spawning!


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Okay guys, I have embarked on a quest for a new mod, but I have a question that needs answering first. For my mod, I need a Twi'lek to spawn in the middle dormitory on the Enclave on Dantooine (after Belaya confronts you, go straight across the courtyard to the hallway that takes a turn to the left, and it's the second door on the left. Here's the script I'm using to spawn him, any help appreciated:


void main()
CreateObject(OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE, "c_rec_officer", Location(Vector(52.15,69.01,8.76), 0.0)); 


I'm sure my mistake is horrendously obvious, but I'm a script noob xD

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Use the .git file. Ahh, I love that file.


Open the .git file, go to Creatures, copy a full struct, and paste it. Go down to the bottom of the Creatures list, and you will see your copied struct. Now fill that in with the (I think) ResRef, or the tag of your NPC, and the co-ordinates. Fiddle around with the orientation, as thats the way it will be facing when spawned.


Now package that into a MOD... or ERF file using KOTOR Tool, and put it in your Modules folder. Go to a save or start a new game and warp to Dantooine.

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My Computer>C: Drive>Program Files>Kotor Tool>Global Templates>K2


And yes, it LOOKS like a movie file, but it's a ERF file.


Remember when building the ERF file, to do: "<modulenamegoeshere>.erf" as well as choosing for the file to be ERF.


As I've only built .MOD files, the above sentences my not be entirely true.

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Okay, like I said, I've never built a ERF file, so do it this way.


Extract everything from "danm13" and "danm13_s" from KOTOR Tool into a folder. Make sure you have a backup of the altered .git file. Then put your UTC, and that .git file (and what other files you made) into the folder where you extracted everything. Then build all that into a MOD file using this name:




Make sure you put the .mod after the "danm13"!!


Then go back to the K2 folder and place the new .mod file into the Modules folder.

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It seems a bit over the top to make an erf/mod file when you can just name it the onenter script name and then add the line "ExecuteScript "old_onenter" or whatever. That way the game will run it and anything else it needs to and you don't have to worry about including a file that has to go in another folder.


However, there's something to be said for "If it isn't broken, don't fix it."



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