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Femine Jedi Robes


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i think it would be cool to have robes for the female PCs similar to the cut of these http://knightsoftheoldrepublic.filefront.com/screenshots/File/63150/1 but without the pants (show off legs, like a skirt), and without the undershirt (to show off arms and a lil cleavage). So basically the black parts on that pic would instead be skin. And maybe the texture/material of the garment would be a little more traditional robe looking. Xacius is on the right track with these http://knightsoftheoldrepublic.filefront.com/screenshots/File/90256/2 with the legs, but they look kindof like skin pants and the arnt the right cut to show off arms and cleavage. so if any of you want to give it a shot, or can tell me how to make them myself, id love to hear back

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I believe that this will be a gmax task rather that a retexturing task. I don't do models very well, but I may fool around with the dancer's outfit and see if I can paste some other robe parts into it. In the mean time, here is a dancer's outfit with some significant added defense bonuses. It is better than most robes. Put it in your override, add it to your invernory with KSE.




Edit: OK, having fooled around with several appearance models in NWMAX, I can now say:


This is much harder than it sounds. Someday, I may be good enough to do this, but today is not that day.

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