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short story i wrote


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im bored so heres a bit of the story ive been working on:


It was alien. That was for sure. Vast and empty...desert like. The sky was forbodding. And by the time a chill ran down my spine I knew what had happened. Across the sand were hundred of people, dead, covered with their own blood. Patches of skin were missing, limbs were torn to shreds...and the eyes... They stared at you, as if eternally crying for help.

The air was polutted with the smell of blood, so strong it yelled in my nostrils. The bright red sun set, leaving me in total darkness....the sky was schorched...lighting began to flash, terrible noises of thunder arose........fire spurted.....the ground cracked.....the end was coming.....and, without warning, the screams of a thousand people flowed through me like rain...thousands and thousands of voices pleading for help, crying out for mercy.....begging to be spared....praying for life....it didnt have to end this way, but I was sure it would. And then, in the distance, a small word chimed in my head. It seemed endless, like ripples in a pond...it grew louder and louder....



I arose in (what seemed) a puddle of sweat. My captain was crouched down, back to me, yelling. I ran my fingers through my hair.

"Captain?" there was a pause.


he sighed.

"Yes, 247?"

"Whats going on?"

"Our camp has been hit. Scum have hit the middle east and are spreading power. Russia is having a hard time: they've been forced to underground passages, they are also running out of ammo."


"We bombed the Scum camp in Great Britain and we've killed all Scum in Australia."

"Maybe there is a little light at the end of our tunnel?" he paused again.

"Get your helmet on and get out there."

"Yes sir." From the sounds of it Scum were everywhere...I rose from my bed and attached my helmet. My RCAW (standerd sub-machine gun) in hand, I bloted out of the tent...


^ thats all i got. I hope you all enjoyed my mini part of my war novel (the lowdown is that aliens that earth calls 'scum' are invading, their origin is unkown......yet, soldiers are reffered to by numbers)



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RIP Bradley


[This message has been edited by Guybrush122 (edited November 18, 2001).]

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Originally posted by Deadmeat:

Wow thats a pretty good story. Maybe the concept isnt very original, but i liked what i read.



thanks man, i know the concept isnt real origonal........i just need to expand my horizens. all i ever get to write about is mushy sh*t. so i decided futuristic war..........lots of action wink.gif



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RIP Bradley

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Here's mine, titled 'Not an Ideal Story'


Juan looked in the mirror, and saw a sad wreck of a jobless man looking back. Once Lance moved out of the way, he saw a smart businessman on his first day of work at an estate agents looking back. That was Juan. He’d gotten through college by studying in the evening before proceeding to get drunk blind at night. This especially didn’t help as he worked night shifts as a watchman at the local warehouse. Then, in the morning, he’d revise everything he’d learned last night, between periods of being sick and quietly asking his flatmate Kenny to get the aspirin. Then he would shave and go to class. Naturally, he’d gotten straight B’s.

He adjusted his tie.


Patricia had also lived on campus, three doors down from Juan and Kenny. She had her own flat after having a trial period with Nicole, resident college psycho and schizophrenic. The next morning, after resident campus students had complained bitterly about loud arguments between Nicole and ‘Nico’, Nicole had been moved to another room, presumably far away with soft walls, while sporting an interesting jacket. Obviously, Patricia had gotten high marks, once the memories of screaming subsided.

Patricia adjusted her blouse. She was going to start work at an estate agents that morning.


In an ideal story, Patricia and Juan would have bickered with each other throughout the story before falling in love with each other at the end. In an ideal story, Fanny would have gone home early. In an odd but nevertheless ideal story, Lance would have arrived late and been gang-raped by a group of mafia members. In an ideal story, Stan would have collapsed clutching heart around page 60 to add an unnecessary but comedic twist to the story. In an ideal story, this is a very funny book.

This is not an ideal story.




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Guest becc2cool

Lets see what i can do in four sec. Once there was a girl who read a book she began to belive it. then she was in the book and ned to face all of the challenges then she fell in love with another charecter. when the story was over her world turned upside down and she became a part of the book.. Damn can't say i didn't try i tried to makie it in to a nice story but i can't do this in 4 sec. at 7:00 give me a month and I'll have a good one for you.

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Well, this is the basics of my story:


In 2003, WW3 begins, the nuclear war, all cities are destoyed, mankind is standing on the edge. Only a few ppl survived and are living between the ruins, without any hope. One of them is {name of boy} (haven't decided yet). He lives all alone in what once was a city with 100.000 people in it. When the story starts, he already lives in the ruins of a church for 3 years, emotionally empty. One day, when he walking trough the city, he finds a marble between the ruins. When he looks at it, the colour is white, but when he blinks, it changes to black, and it keeps changing between black and white. He puts it in his pocket. Later he gets attacked by a monster, a mutated cat or soemthing. He puts his hand in his pocket to grab his revolver, but only finds the marble. When the monster attacks, he closes his eyes.............


Well basically the marble awakes his magical powers, and some guy 50 km feels that and calls him. The old man explains that the marble is one of the seven keys that can channel magic. Onfortunatly, a evil person already has got six of the marbles, witch makes him very powerfull. This is also the reason of WW3. Anyway, its up to the boy to regain the marbles, go on a quest, unleash his magical powers, fight evil, you know the deal.


I dunno if this made a lot of sense but this is the story i came up with....



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I'm the root of all that's evil yeah

but you can call me cookie.

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