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[KOTOR] Custom NPC head question


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Bah. Normally I wouldn't ask this question, as (from the search results) it seems to have been asked quite a few times, but I've reviewed the previous threads, and I can't figure out the answer.


Alright, so in KoTOR I have a custom NPC head based off of the 4th Caucasian head (PMC04, or something like that). I edited in Photoshop, and renamed it Theo_1.tga. I went to his .mdl and .mdx files, extracted them, and renamed them in MDLops, pointing them to my new TGA file instead of the old one. I then edited both the heads.2da and appearance.2da, adding the new head and creating his new appearance, respectively. However, his custom head now overrides the normal PC head, as well as giving the new appearance to the NPC. How can I prevent it from overriding the normal head?

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