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Force Powers request- sooper cool!!!!


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Hey, I came up with some FP ideas- yes, they are inspired from TFU :D.


1)Spherical Push


Well, it should work like this: The character does the "rage" animation, and energy is collected in his left hand- the "energy collect" is from Force Break, when the Force is focused on the enemy- then the character is doing the animation from Force Speed, and a "ball" of energy- could be ammo, but it must be a bit bigger- is released from the left hand, and "shot" at the enemy and when the enemy is hit, a big knockdown...


2)Hanged Electrocution:


This one is simpler. The character does the Force Crush animation, the enemies are lifted in the air and they are spinning like in Force Whirlwind, but they must spin in the same place and then the character does a normal Lightning.



These are the force combinations in TFU. You can often see them in the trailers...


Edit: Can someone do a FP that isn't a FP, just a trigger of a animation.

Stoffe has in CSA a rolling animation that the characters there often do it. I thought maybe someone can a FP that would be a trigger for that animation. You could call it: Force Evasion, the character when activates it receives a Save Bonus: All, and the bonus should be running as much as the rolling animation is running.


*note: NOT inspired from TFU:D*

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Two More:


3)Crusher Dive


Simple: The character does the "Force Crush" animation the enemy is lifted in the air then he hits the ground- this should be repeated like 3 times to be very painful.


4)Omni-directional blow


The character does the "Rage" animation, then more shockwaves-not concentric shock-waves, the shockwaves expand in different directions, but they all expand from the character.


I think Stoffe has a Force similar like this for her version of Revan in CSA...


Uh... You can change the names, they're weird for FP :D

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1. Don't bump threads. :tsk:

2. Even tho I don't have any practical modding experience, I can tell you that these require playing multiple animations. These aren't going to look good, and they are going to be about ten-second attacks, and that is not practical, considering the basic force attacks take about a second to preform.


It's possible, It's just not going to be good.

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^: I've been modding games for close to two years now, and I've seen stuff like fail miserably. The problem is that you can't create new animations, so it be playing, one after another. I also am fairly sure that only one animations is allowed per action with this game engine.

Don't expect the flexibility of the Source Engine. The Oddessy enigne is approx. five years old now, and just isn't as flexible for modding. It's going to look cool becuase it's going to be running on a brand-spanking-new engine when we see it on TFU.


Sounds cool,in theory, yes. But It's not going to live up to your expectations.

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Meh, I'm going to buy TFU anyway so... Nvm...


Edit: One question: Is there already a " All hail mighty Stoffe" thread?

So I can post in it. Wow!!! The more I play on CSA the more cool FP I see. It's incredible!!!!

LucasArts should offer her a job. I don't know, maybe a Project Leader on future KotORs?

ALL HAIL MIGHTY STOFFE!!! It could be cooler if I could find a way to get those FP...

Any suggestion?


Edit: Sorry for the duble post and bump, but I can't help it. I got to say it :D !!!

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^ Although I'm not supposed to go 'polzei! Anhalten' on you (the mods will):

-QUIT bumping. Even if you want to praise someone.

-Modders mod in their free time. FREE time. If your idea isn't picked up, leave it. Or pay them to make it. You can't expect people to make your mods in their own free time if they don't like it. And no matter how many times you bump, it WILL not change. Praying for Stoffe won't either. It's actually pretty...weak, to be honest.

-Da_Man has explained everything very clear. Why don't you take it for granted? :confused:


No soop for you! :xp:

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1) Got it ;)

2) I know, but I like being annoying-and it worked fine on you.

I apologize. Accepted?

3) Really?:confused: I guess so... LOL. I understood.


Sorry, I'm like that when I'm excited...

Sorry again and sorry that I bump with sorries :xp:


Edit: I know!!! I'll try make them myself!!! Now, where's that tutorial...?


Please refrain from bumping anymore threads, they are not allowed here in the Mod Requests forum, except when a modder is posting an update. Thanks. -RH

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