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[Shortie] - What NOT to say or think.

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[[Note:Sequel to Letter to a .... Friend?

Continuing the story of this plot and stuff. :p ]]





“What are you going to do, Revan?”


“What do you think I’m going to do!? I’m going to make sure she realizes just how big a mistake she has actually made!”


“You do know that Bastila is nothing more than a Jedi suffering from Alzheimer’s and a god complex. She’s practically you, but with girl parts and the whole Alzheimer’s thing. You did give her a good knock to the head on the Star Forge and even after all of these years, she still hasn’t recovered properly. She was in a coma for

Ten of those years remember?”


“Yes, and all of those reasons are -,”


“Let me stop you right there!”


Revan stopped and turned around. Completely forgetting about Canderous and their “discussion” about Bastila, Revan tried to place the face behind the voice, but it was impossible. She had flaming red hair, a slim body and a very confident aura about her.


She also held a lightsaber.


“Who are you!” demanded Revan.


“Why …” said the Woman, “before I reveal my identity, I must first ask you that if what you started to say before, was going to be a sexist statement?”


Revan widened his eyes in protest, looked from Canderous to the woman and said in a shocked voice, “of course not! I had to travel with several females for months whilst looking for the Star Maps! I know what woman can do!”


“Really?” implied the woman.


Revan turned to look at Canderous. “Care to help me out here, man?”


Canderous scoffed slightly, “you’re doing fine by yourself, I think.”


“Some help you are.” Revan turned back to the woman standing in front of him. “It wasn’t going to be sexist at all,” he said. “I was only implying that because I knocked her on the head with the hilt of my lightsaber, and because she is a woman, whom I had feelings for, it is going to be hard to kill her. Now … can you PLEASE tell me who the hell exactly you are?”


“My name is Mira,” answered the woman. “I am a bounty hunter and Jedi.”


“So ... because you’re a Jedi, I’m going to have to kill you now …” sighed Revan, as he ignited his lightsaber. But Mira held up her hand and motioned for him to wait. “Let me explain,” she said. “You don’t need to kill me because I am not a Jedi.”


“But –,” spluttered Revan. “You just said you were!”


“You didn’t let me finish.”


“Fine!” said Revan as he deactivated his lightsaber and sat back down on his throne. “Speak.”


Mira sat cross-legged on the ground and looked up at Revan. “As I said, I am a Jedi, but not the Jedi you think. I don’t care for the light and dark side. I don’t care who wins, just only that I get to live through the process. I journeyed with the Exile.”


“And where is my old Exile friend nowadays?” asked Revan.


“Looking for you,” answered Mira. “He was told by Kreia that you were in the Unknown Regions fighting the War against the True Sith.”


“Well, that is old news,” said Revan. “Been and gone.”


“You mean to tell me that you have already killed the True Sith?” asked Mira with an eyebrow extending upwards.


“Oh, no,” said Revan. “Not at all. There wasn’t any True Sith at all. I looked all over for months and months … trust me. If there were any people whatsoever that said they were part of the True Sith, I would know.”


In a predictable holodrama, thought Revan to himself, this would probably be the time where someone would bust in and say that someone just showed up saying they were the True Sith … but... luckily for me –


“Master Revan!” came a voice as a Sith Acolyte came barging into the room, and running towards the throne. Obviously he didn’t notice the cross-legged woman in the room, because next second there was a loud thump and scream of anguish. Resulting in the acolyte being thrown across the room and into a wall.


Getting up slowly and coughing, the acolyte spluttered. “Master Revan! A ship just arrived. The occupant is saying that he is an emissary of the True Sith and would like a word with you.


Revan slapped himself on the forehead and leaned over and rested there for a moment in disgust, shame and annoyance.


Damn Sith. He thought

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