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My Opinion on the KotOR MMO

Tomak Ta-Zak

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I'm probably sure most of you guys have gotton a lot of these threads recently ever since the rumors of the KotOR MMO and how websites and TV shows have been claiming that there is a new KotOR in the making. Well when I first heard about this I was speechless because it was my dream come true. The first KotOR completely blew me away. It was the greatest rpg I have ever played just because of one thing which is what the MMO needs to succeed.


Immersion, immersion, immersion, immersion. When you played KotOR you felt like you were in the Star Wars universe, the people, the weapons, the dialogue, everything. Where as when you played Galaxies (at least for me) it didn't truly feel like I was in the SW universe. I mean yeah sure there are the planets and the characters but other than that you just didn't feel it.


Another big thing that KotOR needs is definately a live action combat system. No, I don't mean something like NGE (ruined SWG). The main things that the system needs is to be fluid and not feel like your taking turns with attacks. I don't want to say copy the World of Warcraft system, but yeah they pretty much got the combat system right on the dot.


PvP is a touchy subject in a Star Wars MMO in my opinion. I honestly can't think of a way for it work, but the best way I believe for a PvP system to work is with Space, and player raids on cities or something but thats what I think.


Classes need to be diverse, plentiful, but some what complicated to rise in. Honestly I believe the old SWG class system was fantasitc, but it was just a grind. Going out with a group of 70's killing beasts on Dantooine is all I remember leveling up haha. They need to make it so that each class has a system of training like for example, Jedi's actually have to complete training lessons and a sense that ok, I'm a Padawan at a Jedi Temple or something. You could make it work to for other classes like Medics, actually practice healing and things like that, it would be complicated, or it could be an entire different system I just don't think it should be just ok kill kill kill yes I leveled up and now I can use a lightsaber or yay now I learned how to shoot someone a specific way. Just my 2c on that.


Planets need to be different from what we have seen but still have some of the old ones that everyone loves and make them detailed. I mean come on, outside of the cities are just rolling hills occasionally filled with a cave or two and they were just too too big. I think scale is a big thing like having a big planet is great but to the point SWG did it was just too much.


But lastly, the story is the crucial. KotOR's strongest point was the story, they need to take the time they have and make something spectacular about it. Don't just throw around a giant questline, have a storyline that changes and affects everyone.


I think that in fact this isn't an MMO (which I doubt, but I wouldn't mind to much) they need to make it more of an open world, but still have the fantastic story line. I loved the game so much I just wanted to explore more and more but once you got to the end of the story its game over.


Yeah sorry for the long ramble, but if this supposed MMO is true, I hope it will end my playing of WoW so I can play something belonging to to the greatest movie series of all time.


Copied your post (#58) in this thread:



Same subject, so 2 threads aren't necessary ;) - Cz

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