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HAHAHA I cannot get the demo!!!


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I am so done with the 360!!! I am telling you..



I was up last night working but I was checking the demo section on the 360 every so often..


For the first time since I have had this xbox I saw when the demo came out.. I cannot get it because they want me to spend 15 bucks so I can get a gold membership!


I have no desire to play ANY games on line.. The silver deal thing, is just fine..


They prevented out of all the demo's Unleashed..



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  fastfed said:
I am so done with the 360!!! I am telling you..



I was up last night working but I was checking the demo section on the 360 every so often..


For the first time since I have had this xbox I saw when the demo came out.. I cannot get it because they want me to spend 15 bucks so I can get a gold membership!


I have no desire to play ANY games on line.. The silver deal thing, is just fine..


They prevented out of all the demo's Unleashed..





Fret not my young padawan, although goldmembers receive the demos first (haha I said goldmember) demos are made available to silver members a week or two after.

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  Madgame said:
Fret not my young padawan, although goldmembers receive the demos first (haha I said goldmember) demos are made available to silver members a week or two after.


A "WEEK" or "TWO"


Good god!! Pathetic!! It really is stupid!! For example.. Tiger woods 09 is on there to, the game comes out in a week. I think the Dev's should be angry with this! Demo's are like a preview, its designed to get you to "WANT" The game!!


PS3 sure doesn't do this!

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