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The 1st Imperial StormRifle Division


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The story is starts out at a 1st StormRifle Traning outpost with a person named General Okto giving a speech to the hopefull recruits then it picks up from there and takes in to the direction you want it to go.



Here you can add a character to the list i'll use my 2 as an example



Name: General Okto


Species: Human


Rank: General


Political affliation: Empire, 1st StormRifle Division


Bio: An Imperial General who runs the StormRifle Division.


Went from the rank of Private to General in 5 years of service and has commanded the fron for many years.



Name: Zeth Matthias


Species: Zabrak


Rank: Recruit


Political affliation: Empire, 1st StormRifle Division

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