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Contacting Mojo RE New Projects


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Hi all,


Apologies if this has already been answered in another thread, but I did a quick search and couldn't see anything similar.


I started developing a new mobile web site a couple of weeks ago, the main purpose of which would be to 'scrape' news stories from the Mojo home page and render them in a format more suitable for viewing with a mobile web browser (I figured it'd be cool to catch up on Mojo news on the train :)).


I tried sending 2 messages to Mojo staff (I realised the first had been sent to the wrong person) asking whether this would be acceptable, or if they'd have a problem with me using their content, but I've yet to receive a reply. I'm just wondering...is this standard Mojo/LFN procedure? In other words, should I take the lack of a reply to mean that what I'm doing isn't acceptable?


Just reread that and it might sound a little pompous....it isn't meant to! :p





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Hello Airbad -- sorry we didn't get back to you. We spent some time discussing the issue in our top secret underground bunker, and whilst I (and one or two others) were thrilled by the idea, our security and technology experts had some issues with it (tho' I didn't understand the problems m'self)... but then, seeing your post now, it looks like you're just doing it for your own gee-whizz factor. So to blazes with Mr Technical and Mr Security!


I should say, though, that we have an "RSS" feed. I have no idea what it is, exactly, but apparently it will make it easier for you to access the site on your mobile...?


Anyway, to sum up: yes, please do go ahead! And let me know if it works.

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Hey, thanks for the reply, glad to know the idea was received positively! And I'm super chuffed that it was deemed important enough to be discussed in the bunker :).


I'll probably stick with the scraping option for the time being, because the RSS feed doesn't specify how many comments are attached to each story - and I'm quite keen to add support for viewing and posting comments. Once I get my hosting support sorted out, I'll be happy to provide the exalted Mojo overlords with a URL to check it out...is there someone specific I should contact for that?


Regarding the technical & security issues....could you possibly drop me a PM to say what they were? I'm quite curious :-P


Cheers again,



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I have no idea what any of this means -- hosting details? RSS? Web-sites? Mr Security and Dr Technical mentioned something about something... but I couldn't possibly give you any details I'm afraid: I just don't know them, and even if I did, I certainly wouldn't understand them.


I'm hoping that someone else from Mix'n'mojo, who does know something about these technical matters, can assist you further...!

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