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Into the Present

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(This is a work in progress I was hoping for a little feed back on it as I work along. Anything would be helpful. Thank you for taking the time to read it.)




Into the Present


The chair was hard and cold, and uncomfortable to sit in. Tyler moved and shifted in the chair trying to get comfortable as he waited for his handler to come into the room and give him his next mission. He leaned back giving up on the idea of finding some comfort in the medal chair, resting his head back with his eyes closed he could feel a cool breeze gentle gliding across his skin. The feel of the cool breeze felt good to him, in the distance he could hear the fountain, the water pouring from it into the water catcher at the bottom.


He then heard the door open and close, the sound of the foot steps were familiar to him. The foot steps came to a stop, the sound of a chair sliding backwards then forward with several breaks in between. Tyler knew this person, this person was his handler, Lauren Rebecca Dwight, age 46, occupation the head chairlady of the Arreo Time Police and Time Enforcement. Arreo’s job is to stop those who wish to alter time into their favor without fully realizing the consequences of those actions. Arreo’s Time Intelligence Main frame or T.I.M. is it was regularly referred to, has the capability of tracking all time movement and actions.


It was decided back in the year 2019 that every living creature on planet Earth will be implanted with a time travel micro chip. This chip would be implanted at birth, on most occasions no one is aware that the chip is even within them.


“Good Morning Tyler, hope you were not waiting long” said Laura


“Morning Laura, you know I never wait long for you.” He responded sarcastically.


Tyler leaned forward onto the table turning his head towards her, he watched her as she sat in that chair looking as uncomfortable as he felt. Laura leaned over the side of the chair into her briefcase and pulled out two folders, one was obviously his, she always took it out for their meetings and wrote down his behavior and reactions during the mission briefing. This was the first time she took out another folder while with him. He thought it was an interesting turn of events.


“You haven’t been to see the company’s psychiatrist in a month Tyler. Why is that?” she asked.


“You gave me the choice of whether I would go and see her or not.” He responded.


“Yes but also part of that agreement was you would at least see her once a week, I could always turn it back into every day. Is that something you would prefer?”


“No, no. I’ll go see her after the briefing if that is alright with you?”

“Sounds perfect” she said smiling.


Tyler fell back into his chair feeling defeated having yet to win a game of wits against Laura. He had hoped that one day he would out smart her, but secretly he enjoyed the games they played, made things more entertaining for him.

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(Here is more to the first chapter. Hope you enjoy.)


“So who broke the contract this time?”


“Don’t be so inpatient Tyler. This mission is different than the others you have accomplished.”


“Different. How different can eliminating a Time threat be? You go in, you take care of it, and you leave.” He said annoyed with the idea of change to how he handles Time threats. There was a sound to his left, he turned his head to see that the door had opened and walked in two more people.


One had a cold expression to his face, he was old, his hair thin and gray. He looked to be in his mid to late sixties. The other man that accompanied him seemed to have similar facial features, his nose was the same length and shape, and they’re eyes seem to be the same size. Obviously threw some sort of genetics the two men were related, but second man was younger, much younger than his older counterpart. He looked to be about Tyler’s age, possibly a year or two older.


“Sorry to have kept you waiting” said the older man has he bowed slightly, the younger man bowed slightly to Laura after seeing his older companion do it. The older man took a few steps to the side of his younger companion and placed his hand upon his shoulder “This is my grandson Isaac. I also happen to be his handler.”


Tyler looked at Isaac suspiciously, was this person what made things different than normal. Tyler has lived in this building his whole life, trained here, and was even educated here, he knew nothing of what stood outside the walls of this building, except what once was when he traveled to the past to take care of those who wished to change what he knew as the present. He had a feeling that he’ll be praying to see Arreo’s psychiatrist by the time all this was over.


“It’s an honor” said Isaac as he took a seat.


“Tyler this is Isaac Holmes, and Mr. Robert Holmes. They are located in our southern office.” Laura said.


Tyler looked at the two men and simply nodded his head at them, then he turned his attention to Laura “So we can start now?” he asked impatiently.


“Yes, please let’s begin” said Mr. Holmes.


Tyler sat there listening as Laura explained how unique the situation was, and it was unique. At times Laura and Mr. Holmes argued at how impossible the whole thing was, but then agreed that someone had found a way to bypass T.I.M.’s systems and sneak into the past without Arreo’s knowledge. There exact intention for this was still unknown but it could not go overlooked for too long. Tyler and Isaac would be sent back to the time line in which the five individuals have been found, learn of their plans and deal with the situation as perceived necessary.


“Once you arrive in the time line, we will implant data that you two have always existed there. As we speak we have already implanted two separate families you each will be staying with one. We have reason to believe that simple teenagers were sent back to cause chaos to time itself, you must not let that happen under any circumstance. The kids are no older then you two, find them, learn what they want from that time, and take necessary actions when the need arises.” Laura said “And Tyler, your meeting with the psychiatrist will have to wait until you return. Understood?”


“Yeah, understood.” Tyler responded.


Laura and Mr. Holmes stood up, Laura looked at both Tyler and Isaac and said “We will give you both a half hour to get acquainted with each other, after that you both move out.”


Once she was finished talked both her and Mr. Holmes left the room leaving Tyler and Isaac there in silence, both looking at each other not sure as to what to make of the other one. The silence felt deafening, if one of them didn’t speak soon Tyler felt as if he was going to lose what little sense he had.


“Well at lease we don’t have to introduce each other.” Tyler said jokingly trying to lighten up the atmosphere but Isaac just kept staring at Tyler, unmoving, unchanging.


Tyler looked at his new partner, he was blond, green eyes, his lips seemed rather thin, he was an average looking man. Isaac wore baggy clothes which made it difficult to tell of his muscle feature, if he had any under those clothes. He sighed and shifted in his chair, knowing silence isn’t going to help them work as a team.


“Do you think something more is going on?” Isaac finally said.


“Something more?” Tyler said confused “I try not to think too much, they ask I just do. But I guess it’s possible, maybe…, what do you think?”


Isaac sat there quietly for a while his hands folded under his chin he finally said “I think anything is possible, if given the right motivation.”

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