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Star Forge Robe code?


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Pardon me if this has been asked before or is extremely obvious, but I am super-new to modding and thought I'd test the waters by making some visual changes to the Star Forge Robe in K1. However, I can't find the stupid texture for it anywhere (using KOTOR Tool). I've got the light Revan robe with the mask, but I'd like the robe with the hood down and without the mask. Anyone know the name of the .tpc file and what folder it's in?


/end fail

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Revan's texture names are PMBJ01 and N_DarthRevan01 the Star Forge Robe Textures are PMBJ02.


The PMBJ01 texture is smaller than the N_DarthRevan01 texture so you can edit that one and save it as PMBJ01.tga instead.


You can find them in KotOR I / ERF's / Texture Packs / swpc_tex_tpa.erf in the N and P subdirectories.


I hope this helps. ;)

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Oh! It is? I'd been messing around with the PMBJ02 texture, except the female version, but I didn't think it was the Star Forge texture because Revan's mask is still a part of it. Oh well, we'll see when my husband lets me pry the play disc from his sleeping hands! Thank you very much! :)

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You are welcome. :D


The Star Forge robe texture has Revan's mask on it (as well as other untextured parts like the cape) because the same texture file is mapped to both the Hooded Masked/Unmasked Darth Revan cut scene Model and the standard Star Forge Dress-like model.

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Okay, quick semi-related question if I might, since I was just poking around the stickies and hadn't found anything useful yet:


I've recolored a robe skin and used KOTOR Tool to outline the parameters for a custom robe. How do I get the robe to taken on the appearance of the skin I made? :sweat: Is it related to the TemplateResRef or the Tag under the General TAB in the Item Editor?


ALSO: I saved the .tga file and stuck it in my override folder, but the Star Forge robes are still showing up as normal. Any idea what I might be doing wrong?

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I've recolored a robe skin and used KOTOR Tool to outline the parameters for a custom robe. How do I get the robe to taken on the appearance of the skin I made? :sweat: Is it related to the TemplateResRef or the Tag under the General TAB in the Item Editor?

Change the last two digits of the TemplateResRef and Tag fields to whatever number you want (I'd recommend above 10). Change the Texture Variation field to the same number. Save the .uti file swapping your two digit number for the one at the end.


Save your textures as PFBIxx (female) and PMBIxx (male). Of course the xx should be replaced with your number.


Now you just need an icon. Depending on your base robe you'd need:

Jedi Robe: ia_jedirobe_0xx.tga

Jedi Knight Robe: ia_kghtrobe_0xx.tga

Jedi Master Robe: ia_mstrrobe_0xx.tga


The game's icons can be found in KotOR Tool in


--Texture Packs


----I ;)


Dump your .uti, your icon, and your textures into the override and use the giveitem cheat to get them or use one of the many options to place them in-game.


Sorry if that was more information than you needed (or wanted). It doesn't have to be done in exactly that way, but it's easy and it works.



ALSO: I saved the .tga file and stuck it in my override folder, but the Star Forge robes are still showing up as normal. Any idea what I might be doing wrong?

Make sure it's named PMBJ02 and not PFBJ02. The game uses the male textures for both sexes.

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Does PFBIxx need to be put in the Tag or TemplateResRef field?

No... you also need to use PMBJ for a Revan robe (for either gender), In the item uti file the Base item tells the game what model to use and the texture variation indicates what skin to use, the texture variation is the number you put at the end of your tga skin file so PMBJ13.tga would be a texture variation 13 and a base item of (Revan_Armor) in your robes uti file.

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MY bad didn't Read the post properly (oops...)


Hee, don't worry about it. I'm actually about to check on the Star Forge robe skin again since I've got access to the K1 play disc now. :D


What I'm finding bizarre about this robe I made for K2 is that the skin I chose to re-color is showing up when I put it on, only the re-coloring I did ISN'T. If that makes any sense. It it helps for vicarious troubleshooting, I'll list what I've named everything:



(TemplateResRef and Tag are both set to g_a_mstrrobe62, Base Item is set to Jedi Master Robe, Body Variation is set to 2 (I have no clue what that means anyway), and Texture Variation is set to 62)


(this shows up correctly)


(I've been switching between PMBI, PMBJ, and PMBN since I have some Master Robe overrides using N, and also switching out the M for F... nothing seems to work)


I apologize for dragging this out. :)

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PMBI or PFBI are for the Jedi Padawan Robes the thinner/lighter modeled robes (Jedi Robe/Jedi Knight Robe). The PMBN and PFBN robe entries are for the thicker bath robe type Jedi robes (Jedi Master Robe). PMBJ and PFBJ is for the Revan robe model.


You will need 2 skins for your robe you will need to copy your main one and name it for the female version as well as the male one, even though they are usually identical. This could be the reason your aren't seeing your skin as you are playing a female but haven't put in the PFBI texture yet.


Body variation is also what looks funny here, if it isn't the missing female texture above, as it is set to a 2 which is what the clothing/light armor uti files use, it should be a 0 or a 1 for a robe.

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