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Make burnmarks, blastermarks etc. stay longer/forever?


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First, hello to everyone. As you can see Im new to this Forum... :)


Second. One thing I always want to change in JK/JKA is the fact that decals like blasterimpacts, saberwallmarks, debris from explosions etc. disappear very quickly. Often in JKA you come back to places where you have been minutes ago, fighting some stormies or cultist-freaks. To make the boodies stay is no problem and doesnt affect a mid-end pc from today in its performance at all.


But it takes away the "combat immersion" if the traces of former battles are gone - at least for me.


One reason why I ask for this today is because I found out about the fantastic "Ultimateweapons" Mod which adds just awesome and real-looking effects to the game. If you dont know this Mod, search for it on JKFiles.com etc. Its worth a try!


Long story short - is there a way to make decals stay longer/forever? Does it afford some in-depth coding stuff or can it be done quickly via extracting a few files and editing them via notepad?


Thx in advance,



EDIT: Damn, wrong place. @Moderators, pls push this one into the right Forum, thank you and sorry.

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Hello Daimaju, welcome to LucasForums! Well, to answer your question, all effects are done through the .efx files. There are numerous mods out there that enhance what a weapon will do. You might like this one over at JK3Files:TK231s_Special_Effects_Mod It's a pretty good file; if you ever decide you want to learn how to make your own effects files, I think there are some good tutorials out there that will teach you how to make them. And you can edit them with EffectsEd, an effects editor that comes with the Jedi Academy SDK, and you can also open them and look at them, etc. with Notepad. You can do some pretty cool things with effects files.

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Thank you for the answer. The mod is fantastic, I love it.


But you may have missunderstood me. Actually I didnt want to make Effects or find new ones. I just want to make them stay longer. Sabermarks for example, dissappear after 10 seconds. Thats WAY to quick for my taste.


My Computer is strong enough to handle JKA on 1600x1200 at highest settings without any problems. even with a lot of bodies (they dont fade away anymore...) I have no problems at all...


I tried to find a solution to make the effects last longer, but had no luck so far (console commands)


I looked into a few efx. files, but there was no sign of a "life" time or something like this and I dont know if I can add a lifetime to them...

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