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n00b question .....


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Hi all,


I was wondering if there was a server only install of JKII

we are a small games community and a few of our members

play JKII, so I thaught I would look into adding a JKII server

to our dedicated box (we mostly play UT99 at the moment).


I know you can run a dedicated server from the game, but

I dont really want to upload an iso of my disk to the dedicated

box just to run a server.


Any help on this matter would be vastly appriciated !!


Thanks in advance


Riki aka [G4U]The_Sp00nHead

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  • 3 weeks later...

I don't think anyone understands what I am trying to find out !


I own the game and have the CD ...........

I am able to host a dedicated server on my home connection no probs ......


BUT our community owns a server in a data centre and we want to run a server on there,

(why should i tie up my internet connection running a server when I admin 7 servers on a dedicated box !)


Whai I am trying to find out is if there is a "dedicated server only" install of the game

that I can put on the box in the data centre.

Not a full install of the game but a SERVER ONLY install.

Most other games of this nature have one (Including the quake series)

so I assume there is one avalible for JO, but I am unable to find it.


This may make things a bit clearer (or it may have made things worse lol )



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