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Always with default clothes mod?

SD Nihil

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I think I remember a mod that allowed you to always appear as if you were always wearing default clothes nomatter what armor, robes, etc you had on. Can you give me a lin to this mod? Also do you appear to still be waring default clothes if you were simply in underwear? Also, does this mod bypass the restrictions on force powers if your wearing armor, but still appear to be wearing default clothes? Finally, does the invidible head gear and hide weapons in cutscenes mods effect the mod? Meaning do they interfear with this mod.


Is there a mod like this for K1 and K2? Thanks.

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I think I remember a mod that allowed you to always appear as if you were always wearing default clothes nomatter what armor, robes, etc you had on. Can you give me a lin to this mod? Also do you appear to still be waring default clothes if you were simply in underwear? Also, does this mod bypass the restrictions on force powers if your wearing armor, but still appear to be wearing default clothes? Finally, does the invidible head gear and hide weapons in cutscenes mods effect the mod? Meaning do they interfear with this mod.


Is there a mod like this for K1 and K2? Thanks.


I remember making a mod like this, but only for the party members of K1 & TSL.


1) I'm not sure if I have a copy of it anymore, let alone a link.

2) I don't think I made it override underwear.

3) It didn't bypass the restrictions on force powers.

4) I don't think it would affect my mod.


I'll try and look in my backups for it.

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Thank you. I hope you find it. And if he finds it an it isn't in link form we'll talk and get the e-mail addresses and send it to you. Another mod to add to my collection and collection of no where to find anymore pcgamemods k1 and k2 collection. I tell ya so many mods for this game its unbelievable. And so many restorations.

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I have no idea why you'd want to do that exactly, but you can try this:


K1_TSL_Always_Wear_Default_Clothes.7z (271 KB)


It's a 2DA edit that should (in theory) force both the party and PC to always appear in normal clothes in both K1 and TSL. This is untested so I have no idea if there are bugs or not. I think K1 should be OK, but I suspect TSL may have some quirks. Just make sure you keep the backups.


This won't affect anything but the appearance of armour/robes, so the effects and penalties of whatever you are wearing will still apply as normal. Helmets/masks will also be unaffected.

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Ah thanks. I'm sure these types of mods would be really useful for the guys making those kotor movies. The invisible head gear, hide weapons in cutscenes, and this default clothes mod would allow them to still play normally without having to up the npc stats by the console to allow gear to not be needed. This would allow them to add whatever assists with the equipemtn without it being seen in the movies. But then again I'm sure they are all aware of these.



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