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Nihilus "revealed" and Visas "unveiled" [TSL] POSSIBLE Spoiler alert!

Darth Avlectus

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OK. I know this is a bit of an odd skin/texture request for a duo of sith. I'm unable to afford the equipment to do visual mods. Futher my hardware is a bit restrictive right now.


True this mod request asks something that, well, it's a bit telling of one of the most mysterious sith lords ever. It may even rub some of you the wrong way. As well it may even seem distasteful to show the scarred face of the Miraluka.


HOWEVER, Is it possible to reveal Nihilus' face and lighten it up a bit? Give it some human-ish features? (Yes, I know this means removing the mask)...maybe give the face a sickly caucasian color and blank Azure Blue glowing eyes like the aztec demons in god of war near the end. Or simply give him a normal face normal skin and eyes, etc. For purpose to reveal what the face of that man (if he can be called that any longer--Kreia) looks like.

Seeing as how Sciamano essentially lengthened the mask for the Greivous mod, that says to me it isn't strictly part of the head/face model, thusly that it can be removed.


As for Visas Marr...this one is interesting...essentially give her the hair and scarred holes for eyesockets in place of the veil. Why I say this:

There are pics on wookieepedia if I'm not mistaken. At least we have had this pic of Visas for awhile.

Lately in the Kotor comics (namely #34), there has been another miraluka named Q'anilia, who, when unhooded and unveiled, has appeared similarly. Her hair is dark gray. I don't know their hair colors or such. So for visas, you could make it any color (just try to make it look natural). Personally I'd give it a sandy color halfway between blonde and brunette.


(Just a thought--would it not be possible to combine the 2 visas sprites/skins with the 'remove hood' function upon influence??? Just curious. Veiled until removed then reveal scarred face? If she's your loyal servant confiding in you, then she ought to be able to reveal herself at some point, I think.)


Please, is anyone interested in doing this mod at all? Let me know. At the very least, we can for once look upon their faces. :D

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