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TSL Force Point limit?


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Hello all. I googled and yahooed and dogpiled and couldn't find an answer, so I come to you.


I was beefing up my Sith Lord with the KSE, and I was wondering what the limit was for Force Points. No matter what amount I set it to, I can never get more than 100 in-game. Is this a hard-coded limit, or am I typing too huge a number so it reverts back to that?


For that matter, are there default limits on setting skill points or other things of that nature?


Any help is appreciated. Thanks.

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I believe that you can't easily change the number of Force points you have using KSE. That number, as well as the number of vitality points you have, is dependent on your Wisdom and Constitution attributes, respectively. If you want to increase those numbers, simply increase those attributes by a large amount, and the game will automatically award you with more points.


As for maximums for skill and attribute points, I believe that the maximum is around 256. To play it safe though, I'll recommend not choosing numbers around that. In any case, having skill points above 30 in TSL and having attributes above 50 is generally overkill, as in stock TSL, that means making every battle or lock picking or mine disarming a cakewalk, with no need to rely on any buffs or party members to win.


- Star Admiral

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Therein lies my problem. Thanks. I edited my wisdom to where I wanted it to be, loaded the save, and leveled up after killing a guy. The force points righted themselves according to my wisdom, and now I'm loaded. Thanks for the advice.


I also discovered just how overkill I'd gotten. We're slightly scaled back now. LOL. Thanks.

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