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Save/Loading Problem


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I searched for an answer to this problem, but I couldn't find anything relevant. So I put 15+ hours into this game, and then right after I reunite Mission with her brother, I notice HK's HP is at 1/1 for some reason. I think it's a glitch so I just save the game. Now when I try to exit the hangar on tatooine, it freezes right after the autosave. I can go everywhere just fine except out of the hangar on tatooine. Is this a known problem? How can I fix it? Thanks in advance.


P.S. I have no mods of any kind installed.

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I've seen the 1/1 HP bug happen every now and then, including sometimes my characters having all the attributes reset to 8, but quitting the game and restarting it usually fixes the problem. If it doesn't work, you could try using the cheat console to warp to another planet, say Korriban or Manaan. If the game can successfully load those modules, then it might be a clue that the problem is on Tatooine only.


- Star Admiral

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Thanks for the replies. Yes this is only happening to me on tatooine. I can go to the other worlds just fine and move around everywhere else except outside of the dock on tatooine. Secondly, no I don't think HK is near his cap because I just bought him and we're level 13. His HP is fine after I load, so my main problem is that I can't exit the dock on tatooine. I'll try to edit my save as you suggested.



EDIT: ok I just tried to edit the saves but it still happens and I can't change my save point to be right outside in anchorhead apparently. But when I tried to go outside it autosaved and froze again and when I tried to open that autosave in the editor it came up with some errors, so now I can say that it must be the autosave that is causing the problems. I tried to disable autosaving, but it is still trying to save when I try to walk into anchorhead. Is there anyway that I can disable this feature besides using the menu option, since that doesn't seem to work?

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Try using cheats to warp into Anchorhead. Type "warp tat_m17aa", without quotes, into the cheat console. If it doesn't work and the game crashes, try warping to say, the Hunting Lodge and exiting into Anchorhead from the lodge. Type "warp tat_m17ad", without quotes, into the console. When you appear inside the lodge, head for the exit and see if it works.


- Star Admiral

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ok I got it. here's what happens.


I cannot directly go into anchorhead at all. When I used the cheat to try to go into anchorhead, it tried to save and then froze like it always did. When I warped to the hunters lodge it worked, but when I tried to leave the same thing happened. D: What do you recommend I try next?

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