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Taina's Replacer Problem


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I've been trying to export a head model for KotOR I, and at every try it's come up a dead end. I followed all of the steps to extract, model, export and replace, but nothing works. I even imported a head, did nothing to it, and exported it again. Taina's Replacer will generate the necessary files, but when I try them out in-game, it always crashes.


If anyone has any information on this subject, I would love to know about it, and thanks in advance.

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I'm still having a problem, however, I was mistaken about every head crashing the game. So far I have tested all the Twi'lek heads, running them through max, and then using the replacer, with no luck. I did the same for Bastila and Saul's heads...


A re-download of Taina's replacer proved to be the solution. :)

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