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need some help with finding a mod


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i need a bit of help with a mod. the mod was originally on pcgamemods.com and i can't find it anywhere else. it was a mod that aded a number of items into the exiles room on the harbinger. these items were located in a plasteel cylinder off in the corner, and when you opened it there was a workbench-like interface. In the interface you had to scan your palm to unlock it. Then you could either choose the light sided item pack, dark sided pack, or mention that your vibroblade has a can opener setting, and get all the items. Included in these items was 3 robes all having the same stats, but different colours, one standard set of jedi robes, one sith/dark set, and one white set.


My problem is that the sith and white robes appear as standard jedi robes when i am wearing them. how could i get these robes to get back to sith/white.


another thing of note is that on a couple of old files the same robes have no problems.


heck if anyone has a backup of this mod, or knows where i can get it so i can reinstall it that would be awesome as well.

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