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*Mod Request* Breaking the truce on Manaan


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When the LS player tells the selkath court about the sith plot to turn the youth into Dark Jedi, I'm suprised they never really did anything about it! And what happend to the selkath youth who said that they would testify against the sith!? The Sith had kidnapped the youth, forced them to become Dark Jedi under pain of torture and death, and after you bring in all the edivence to the court, they tell you they'll take it to the manaan government, and then nothing! The Sith got cleen away with an act of war!


Anyway I would really like to see a mod that would change that.

Like after you come out of the last court (assuming you didn't kill the sacred shark), the Manaan government will have reviewed the evidence and gotten selkath troops into position. Then a city-wide broadcast anounces that Manaan is no longer neutral and has sided with the Republic. Then the player sees a few cinimatics of the allied Selkath and Republic Soldiers blowing the sith brains out. (similar to the rapublic vs. Sith cinimatics on the Endar Spire exept with the good guys winning.) Then the player gets to kick some Dark Side booty by going through out the varius sections of Auto City and clearing the streets of bad guys.


After the Sith have been pwned on the ground, it's time to take the battle into space. The player boards the Ebon Hawk and leads the Republic fleet in an epic space battle. Maybe a little turret action. Then the Player could lead a boarding party to capture one on the sith capital ships. Same story as on Manaan, battle cinimas, player pwns sith, you get the idea.


I hope somone makes this or somthing like it.:)


P.s. I'd also like to see a similar mod for TSL in which Czerka would get kicked off Telos. :):):)

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Of course if someone actually did a mod like this, it would likely have to spawn AFTER the PC found the Star Map and only if you destroy the kolto harvesting machinery. (Remember if you poison the "sacred" monster-sized Firaxan shark, you get kicked off of Manaan.) Seeing as a modder could write anything they wanted for the Selkath, that portion would be at least simplified. However, you might have to come up with voice-overs for both the Sith and Republic soliders, and you wouldn't have the actor to do the lines for Roland Wann, the Republic embassy leader.

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Heck I don't even care if the space battle or cinimatics are included. Just a selkath voice over the intercom stating that manaan is no longer neutral. And then the existing npcs start shooting at each other, player can join in of course.


Or maybe something even simpler like all sith just magicily disapear after the player has finished the main quest on manaan. And sunry should be freed if the player hasn't already done that mission.

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You could make a script that changes the faction of all republic troopers and selkath from neutral to friendly and all sith troopers from neutral to hostile. This would be putten into the selkath's dialog entry when you give him the medal. Also use some spawn scripts for spawning selkath troppers.

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