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Several noob questions about cover/ overt beast and droids?

Cyril Bianco

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Hi all:)


I have read the relevant guides but I didn't understand everything:confused:


I am just jedi level 13 and I have just joined the rebells faction following legacy, how can I manage do stay undeclared (covert)?


What is the most simple way to acquire a pet at my level? and a mount pet?


Which kind of droids I can use at level 13?


Thanks in advance,



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how can I manage do stay undeclared (covert)?- Speak to a Rebel Recruiter and set your status to the appropriate level.


What is the most simple way to acquire a pet at my level? and a mount pet? you need to Put some Expertise points in Beast master, BUY or create (Long Process) an Egg hatch it as a Pet (You must level it like a toon) or hatch it as a mount (You can trade hatched mounts too, from another player)


Which kind of droids I can use at level 13? waste of time to be honest, you can use a droid that is within 5 levels of you I think so you could get a level 30 battle droid when you hit 25 (You can obviousley use Astro droids in your ship etc)

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Hi Adamqd,:)


Thanks for your explainations.


I have acquired the skill incubation, and have collected several DNA samples but I don't Know where to find incubators.


I think I will make my own pets because the pet deeds ( are they the eggs you are talking about ? ) are very expensive.


Thanks in advance,





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