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Jade Empire Character Issues


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Hello everyone! I'm a big fan of Jade Empire (PC), and I recently started playing again. However, I'm having a bit of an issue, and I can't seem to come up with any solutions. Whenever I move a character, the cloth that is on the exterior of their character model clips into their body and jerks around, as if the positioning for it is wrong. I added several mods to the game, being: Death's Hand Weapon Style (consumes focus), Fox Spirit, Master Li's Magic Style, Elephant Demon and Moonlight, and Monkey Paw. However, as far as I am aware, none of the file changes for these mods should be effecting the character models in any way. I'd very much so like to attach a screenshot to show what I mean, but after a dozen trial shots, I can't seem to take a screenshot that captures the clipping I'm talking about. Looking at my screenshots, everything seems fine, but playing the game, it's very noticeable, and more then a bit distracting. It first occured to me when creating a new character, and I chose the Monkey Paw style, however, the issues don't just occur with the Monkey Paw style, or just occur on one character model. Any information or tips would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for taking the time to read my post!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry if this is double posting, please let me know if it is! I thought I'd just mention that I still have this issue and could still use help, as it's been a few weeks without any replies. Much appreciated, and thanks for reading my post!


It is, and it is frowned upon here, we'll let this one slide but no more ok? Thanks.


Sorry you aren't getting any answers, but we really only have a very small number of JE players here so your chances are slim. I wish I could direct you to somewhere that could answer your questions, but I know not of one. :( -RH

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