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Monkey Island half-sleeve! (in progress)

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Hey guys!


Just thought I'd post this in case anyone appreciates this sort of thing... over the next two months or so this is slowly going to eat up the rest of my upper arm and be the entire Secret of Monkey Island cover-art (minus the text), but for now it's just Guybrush, Elaine, Jojo and Misc. Pirate #8754.











Second session done!!




Have about 6 more hours in the chair to go!





FINALLY got the next stage done.. the front of the tattoo is basically completed now. The rad looking piratey skull was added about two days after ToMI came out!




Note the extra detail added to the Giant Monkey Head. ^_^






Next session is August 15th.. should be the final one!

Will update as it comes.

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Well I can’t be as cool as you and I could never make up my mind enough to get a permanent tattoo so I just taped the cd to my arm…




yeah just look at that baby ... switch it out with full throttle ... you know when I want to take a night out on the town

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  • 4 weeks later...
Brilliant :D


You're lucky to have such a good artist working on that bad boy.


I know right! I was nervous on the first session because I had no idea how he would handle it, but I had seen some previous sleeve work and cartoon/'painting' style pieces that he's done... I'm so impressed so far.

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