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Need help??? I can help....I hope.....


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Whoa, hold up a minute! I wasn't trying to be rude, I was just stating that it would be much easier if they made their own topic so that you could easily see what their problem was and be able to answer that specific question only.


If everybody started to post their problems under one topic it would be much harder to answer to answer the question of one person because all the questions and answers would be lined up out of order and it would be very confusing for those helping people with their problems.


Don't go crazy just because I'm trying to make it easier for everyone on this board.

As you can see by my number of posts, I enjoy posting on this board and helping people( which is what I mostly do) and I know it would be easier for me to help people if I didn't have to read through 30 posts and then have to answer someone who has post number 15(or so) which would be confusing and unnecessary


Okay, I'm done now smile.gif




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Guest grannen

Hi Kid!

Let us have a Topic called Kid and Grannens answering service.


What a wonderful mess we can create!

Hundreds of questions and answers and nothing in order and no one would understand any answer.

A question would be followed by an answer that would make no sence whatsoever because the original question is 15 discussions higher up and the answer for the latest question will come five discussions later!



Calvin.gifHobbes_2.gif and Grannen


[This message has been edited by Grannen (edited February 11, 2001).]

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Originally posted by Kid:

None taken! I was mostly responding to Mifreak smile.gif


sorry kid, didn't mean ta, I was just in a mood....but, refering to what you said about the whole mess..well, i was just wondering if people needed help..than, they could ask me, and I alone would answer them, I can make sense of a 2 year olders writing, I think I'm quite capable of handling the mes..plus, people could e-mail their questions to me, Icq me or so on.....my e-mail is kier34@hotmail.com and my ICQ number is 68260487 and you can also IM me in MSN. my name is (L)Luver(L)..... smile.gifsmile.gifsmile.giftongue.giftongue.gif


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No offence to anyone, but I really gotta agree with kid, it would just get way to confusing and everything, cept I know you meant well by saying just post everything under the 1 topic, and sometimes people butt in on other topics, like I can't remember who it was but they were talking about the silver monkey head (I think, I can't remember exactly what the topic was)and everyone was helping her and then some guy started posting something about monkey kombat in a post that was clearly about the silver monkey head, no one helped him though, people told him to start a new topic smile.gif hope that kinda makes sense in what I'm trying to proove in my point though, it would get really confusing and awkward


Well smile everyone biggrin.gif




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OK, ok...I understand what all you are saying...but, this is my dicision. ME, I, ALONE will answer peoples questions if they post them here....now, if you don't mind, I wish that you would all stop haslting me and go help, or ask other people (I don't mean to be rude) okay, because what we've all done here looks kinda odd, and now, I have to start a new topic!!!!!and don't say I don't, because I do....









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