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Maynard and/or Alice


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I had the idea to reskin some heads (there are heads that are close enough) but, having custom models would be better.


Anyways, there are two heads I request. I can't use them until I have the PC version, but I wonder if others would enjoy them in the meantime?


Male head: Maynard.


I don't know if there are many Tool fans among the Star Wars community, but I personally would love to play as Maynard, transitions and all. His head is fairly similar to the Sith Apprentice head, but of course his nose is bigger and his eyes are fairly different.


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Female: Alice


Resident Evil anyone? I think it'd be awesome to play as Alice, and of course, with that red dress too. Perhaps a modified N_CommF model?


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And just for kicks, why not a Frank mask?

Absolutely no Star Wars correlation, but why not? Frank is awesome!


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