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A lightsaber mod for Republic Commando?


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We could do it in a way that causes him to lunge with the lightsaber when you select the melee attack for your deece.


So you're saying that if you melee while holding your Deece, then you'll pull out your lightsaber, ignite it, make a stabbing motion, turn it off and continue using your Deece, right?

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So you're saying that if you melee while holding your Deece, then you'll pull out your lightsaber, ignite it, make a stabbing motion, turn it off and continue using your Deece, right?


Sure. It could work for a version 1.0

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yea it could.....ill start to investigate, meshes and stuff like that


OK. By the way, I made some screenshots of Unreal Editor, showing what a clone with a one or two lightsabers would look like. I rotoscoped them with GIMP. I'll tell you guys when I post them.

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under what catigory?:confused:


To be exact, the lightsaber static mesh is in the category: "AssaultShip_Carl," subcategory: "lightsaber."


and also, there is a flashlight mesh under HUD meshes. i know about nightvision but is there a way to turn on the flashlight?


If I'm not mistaken, the flashlight was part of the game until it got replaced by night vision.

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